Event in Switzerland for the commemoration of Kaypakkaya’s murder
On Saturday, May 13, a tribute to the historical leader and founder of the TKP/ML party, Ibrahim Kaypakkaya was held in Zurich, Switzerland. Kaypakkaya died in 1973 after days of torture by the Turkish state, who captured him and subsequently murdered in prison.
The act happened in the Stauffacherpatz de Zurich, where a great banner was placed with the slogan “The communist leader Ibrahim Kaypakkaya is immortal in the 50th anniversary of her murder!” In addition to a big poster with the following: “The popular democratic revolution lives and struggles in our struggle with the red route that traces in the 50 years of his murder!” Next to the banner with the slogan “Courage to exemplify them in 50 years of murder!” signed by party. In addition, other organizations such as the Union of Migrant Workers in Europe, the European Confederation of Democratic Rights, MLKP, MKP, Revolutionary Front and Öncü Partizan also participated.

The act began at 15:00 with a speech. We highlight some of its parts where Partizan highlights about People’s War that the comrade Kaypakkaya started while he founded the party, the TKP/ML:
“He declared the popular war in parallel to the declaration of foundation of the party, and acted with the awareness that a communist party could not acquire the communist character in countries like ours without having weapons, the possibilities offered by the revolutionary situation under the conditions given. Comrade Ibrahim, the great proletarian cultural revolution directed by President Mao aimed at the working class has been molded by the new horizon and perspective that has opened for its independent guidance and attitude. For 51 years, the war line that will protect and strengthen this communist line and promote the responsibilities of our revolution has remained alive in the most difficult conditions. Our party continued its revolutionary march in the prolonged popular war line by adding four general secretaries, dozens of members of the central committee, hundreds of warriors to the immortal caravan.”
The discourse ended with an intervention about the necessity of continuing today the struggle that Kaypakkaya started:
“The experience of our party, emerged in the midst of a difficult and great aggression in our year of struggle, has put on our shoulders the will to overcome all kinds of difficulties. Our revolution is the popular democratic revolution and our war strategy is popular war. The enlightened path of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism continues to guide us to overcome problems, turn weakness into strength and position ourselves correctly in the face of the tasks of the revolution.”
Some slogans where shouted :”Our leader İbrahim ̇brahim kaypakkaya”, “Long live our TKP/ml party, popular army Ti̇kko, TMLGB!”
In addition, the poem “Juniper Green Eyes” was read in honor of the comrade Kaypakkaya and the act was finished with slogans and marches, followed by the reading the party’s oath.