Palestine: Israel don’t stop its attacks and the Palestinian people develops more resistance

Featured image: young Palestinians throwing stones against Israeli vehicles in Tubas, Occupied West Bank. Source: Al Jazeera

During the last week the Armed Forces of the State of Israel (Israeli Defense Forces – IDF) have carried out numerous attacks against many Palestinian towns and cities, but have also suffered casualties after several actions of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement. The harassment by the IDF and the Israeli settlers against the Palestinian people is continuously done and is a part of their genocidal policy in the area. We have previously reported on this.

source: El País

From 28th of August to 30th of August, assaults were made to try to eliminate, detain and harass members of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement in the following locations: Jenin, Hebron, Jericho and Ramallah. After these assaults, the IDF’s have continued its raids during the week in which several Palestinians have been killed: on Wednesday 30th of August a Palestinian was killed, after an gunfight between fighters of the Palestinian national resistance and the Israelis in the refugee camp of Tulkarem, at the North of the occupied West Bank; in another Israeli assault, this time in Aqaba, occupied West Bank, on 1st of September a Palestinian peasant was killed when he was surprised by the hard Israeli attack against housing buildings, which were being attacked with rifle fire and grenades.

The Palestinian people do not let themselves be intimidated and they keep the resistance active. In these Israeli raids against Palestinian towns and cities, it is common the that young Palestinians make ambushes against Israeli vehicles and throw a large number of stones against them. Despite the unequality of military resources in this struggle, the Palestinian people do not cease in their efforts.

Several Israeli military vehicles attacked by a big group of young Palestinians in Sawad, near to Ramallah. Source: Quds Network.

On the other hand, the Palestinians have carried out actions against the State of Israel, the IDF and the settlers: on Wednesday 30th of August, a 14-year-old Palestinian stabbed an Israeli settler in Jerusalem, in the neighborhood of Al-Musrara, which is being progressively occupied by Israeli settlers. Subsequently, despite the fact that he could have been arrested, he was executed at a short distance and the medical services were prevented to help him. On the other hand, on Thursday 31st of August, a Palestinian truck driver ran over and eliminated an IDF soldier and injured three other settlers, and then was shot dead.

In the last week the IDF troops have leaked to Israeli press that they fear the use of improvised explosive devices [IED] by the Palestinian resistance. The use of these explosives has proven to be a real problem for IDF after an ambush with IED that wounded four Israeli soldiers in a raid that they recently made against Nablus. The Israel government tries to deviate attention, stating that IDF have all necessary resources and there is no problem with the availability of armored vehicles. It is not the first time that one of these explosive devices causes a surprise to Israeli occupying troops, and for example in the Israeli offensive against Jenin there were numerous vehicles destroyed or damaged.

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