Turkey: Saturday Mothers detained again

Featured image: Saturday Mothers detained for the 27th time in Galatasaray Square in Istanbul. Source: Yeni Demokrasi.

On Saturday 14th of October, Yeni Demokrasi reports that the the Saturday Mothers were again detained by the Turkish police. We have previously reported on the Saturday Mothers that has been protesting on Saturdays at the Galatasaray Square in Istanbul since 1995, to demand to know about the fate of those who have been forcefully disappeared by the old Turkish state. Last Saturday was their 967th week of protest.

Despite the Turkish Constitutional Court ruling in 2019 that it was illegal to ban the protest, the Saturday Mothers are still facing state repression. Last Saturday the police removed journalists from the area and blocked the street where the protest took place and detained the participants.

Avrupa Haber reports that on Saturday 8th of October there was a protest in Solidarity with the Saturday Mothers in Basel, Switzerland. The action was organized by the “Solidarity Initiative with Saturday Mothers” , and was supported by the relatives of the missing, as well as the Swiss Turkish Workers Federation – İTIF and Turkish democratic institutions. Participants held up pictures of missing revolutionary democrats and patriots, and sang various songs dedicated to the missing.

Protesters in Basel, Switzerland holding up pictures of Turkish revolutionary democrats and patriots forcefully disappeared. Source: Avrupa Haber

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