The people continue to show their support for Palestine: compilation of actions

Featured: massive demonstration in Tahrir Square, in Baghdad, Iraq. Source: NDTV.

This week many new protests were held worldwide, in solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people and against the genocidal policies of the State of Israel. We have already reported on previous protests being held.

In Norway, several events and rallies have been held in support of the Palestinian people. In the city of Bergen, hundreds of people demonstrated against the attack on Gaza. It is also announced that tomorrow, October 18 at 6:00 p.m. there will be another demonstration in Bergen. At the demonstration in Oslo there were clashes with the police after trying to reach the Israeli embassy. A demonstration was also held in Kristiansand on October 14, attended by hundreds of people.

Demonstration in Oslo. Source: Kampkomiteen

Demonstration in Kristiansand. Source: Kampkomiteen

Helsinki, Finland, has also expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people. Several demonstrations were held throughout the month, where hundreds of people participated in them. Graffiti has also appeared in solidarity with the Palestinian National Resistance.

In Aalborg, Denmark, actions have been carried out in the proletarian neighborhood of Grønlandstorvet. You can read “Long live Palestine!”, “Down with Zionism!” and “Solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people!”

All over Germany freedom of speech is repressed. Demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinian national resistance, even pacifist ones are strictly banned. Attendees are harassed, as well as passer-by as possible witnesses of the carried out repression. Anyway there have been demonstrations and actions all across the country, as in Hamburg, in support of the struggle of the Palestinian people.

In other European cities such as Belfast, Madrid or London people also came out to protest. Showing again international solidarity.

In France, whose State has banned demonstrations for the Palestinian people, the police use tear gas and water cannons to disperse demonstrations.

In Bangladesh thousands of people took to the streets on Friday the 13th on the streets of Dhaka.

In Tahrir Square in Baghdad, Iraq, the Israeli flag was burned and people cheered “No to the occupation! “No to America!” There were also large demonstrations on October 13 where giant banners were displayed.

A demonstration was held in Lebanon in support of the militant group Hezbollah. Chants of “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” were heard.

In Rabat, Morocco, tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets to denounce the continued attacks in Gaza.

In Alexandria, Egypt, a demonstration was held with thousands of people.

In India, at the University of Delhi, a protest in favor of Palestine has caused at least 50 arrests by the police. The organizing student union warns that they will continue with this protest.

In Mexico there were also protests held in front of the Israeli Embassy.

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