New actions in solidarity with the Palestinian people

Featured image: Hundreds of people protesting in solidarity with the Palestinian people in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Source: Alan Santan

There has been multiple new reports of actions in solidarity with the Palestinian people and against the genocide that is being carried out by the State of Israel since the last time we reported in this.

In the city of Porto Alegre, the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, hundreds of people participated in a protest on the 26th of October, organized by the Gaucho Front of Solidarity with the Palestinian People [Frente Gaúcha de Solidariedade ao Povo Palestino]. AND reports the following about the event: “The waving of the Palestinian flags and the united conviction of the protesters demonstrated final resistance against the war crimes committed by the Zionist State of Israel, sponsored by the United States and several European imperialist powers, against the Palestinian people, including the elderly, children and women”.

Protesters in Porto Alegre setting fire to US and Israeli flags. Source: Alan Santana

In the city of Montes Claros in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil, leaflets were distributed by the Committee to Support the Palestinian National Resistance (CRNP) on the 25th of October.

The Committee to Support the Palestinian National Resistance distributing leaflets in Montes Claros, Brazil. Source: AND

Avrupa Haber reports on multiple banners condemning the Israeli aggression and genocide being hung up in the the cities of Nuremberg, Linz, Zurich, Basel, Strasbourg and Stuttgart. The different banners were signed by Partizan, the TKP / ML and the International Communist League – ICL. They also report that masses of immigrants and locals took to the streets in solidarity with the Palestinian national struggle and to condemn the Israeli massacres in several European cities.

Banner with the words “Down with the Israeli attacks” was placed at the entrance of the building of the city hall and the German Press Agency (dpa). Source: Avrupa Haber.

Banner in support of the Palestinian resistance signed by the TKP / ML. Source: Avrupa Haber.

Demonstration in an European city with the flags of Partizan and AGEB among others. Source: Avrupa Haber.

Partizan has also shared a video of a banner that was hung up from an overpass in Küçükköy, Istanbul.

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