The solidarity actions for Palestine continue
Featured image: protesters climbed up the Neptunbrunnen in Berlin with Palestine flags. Source: Dem Volke Dienen
Now over 10,000 Palestinians have been murdered in Gaza, with over 4,000 being children. The imperialists and their lackeys repeat again and again their empty words about “humanity” and “civilians”. However, no fuel has still not been allowed in, and for example the largest hospital in Gaza, the al-Shifa hospital, is on the brink of running out of water and power. The “humanitarian aid” convoys are providing the people with close to nothing. Israel is bombing ambulance convoys which are supposed to evacuate people to be treated in Egypt, without even trying to hide their war crimes, claiming that there might be Hamas fighters in them. They are even bombing children’s hospitals. There is no end to the cruelty. And still, the imperialists keep on mumbling about the “right to defend itself” and “must respect humanitarian principles”, their lackeys stand idle and watch, and amongst this genocide, the loyal lapdog of the imperialists, the president of the PA, vows he will take over Gaza when the Israelis are done with their destruction, as if his own people would accept such a spineless traitor to be their leader. In order to hide the hideous crimes from the peoples of the world, all communications have again been cut. But it is too late, because the protests just keep on getting bigger and bigger. Here we share some of the actions done in the past week.
In Norway, there has been multiple actions for Palestine over the past weeks. In Bergen, a rally was held every day of the last week. In Oslo, a demonstration was held on the 28th of October, with at least 600 participants, and on the 4th of November, 9000 gathered again outside of the Norwegian parliament to protest the genocide.

As we wrote, the repression has increased again in Germany, with for example the solidarity network Samidoun being banned. Despite this, 8,500 people gathered in Berlin to demand freedom for Palestine and to denounce the genocide committed by Israel. 1,400 police were deployed, with reinforcements from abroad.
In Hamburg, an event discussing the situation was held. Even this event, which should completely go into the framework of the freedom of expression, was harassed by the police, who was patrolling outside of the venue.

A demonstration in solidarity with Palestine, as well as the struggle of the Kurdish people was held, in the district of Gazi, Istanbul, Turkey. After only 15 minutes, the police attacked the demonstration. Slogans such as “Free Palestine from River to Sea!”, “Imperialists Will Be Defeated, the Resisting Peoples Will Win!”, “Murderer Israel Get Out of Palestine!”, “The Palestinian People Are Not Alone!” were shouted against the attack. 20 people, including three Partizan readers were detained. The detained were subjected to police violence under arrest.

On the 1st of November a rally with around 300 participants was held in Vienna, Austria. The rally condemned the accomplicity of the imperialists of the EU. The police harassed the demonstration.

In Stockholm, Sweden, a demonstration for Palestine was held last weekend.

On Sunday the 5th of November thousands marched in Athens, Greece to the US consulate and Israeli consulate to protest the genocide. Also militants of TKP/ML and KKE (m-l) formed a contingent in the demonstration.