Mexico: Struggle against repression

We publish this unofficial translation of the section regarding Mexico from the weekly news briefing of the blog Sol Rojista.

In Chiapas, on the past 14th and 15th of November, the hearing of comrade Manuel Gómez Vázquez, a supporter of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation who had been imprisoned since 2020 in CERSS 16 in Ocosingo, accused of a crime he did not commit, was held. Now, after the solidarity campaign for his freedom, the comrade was released on the 16th November after a hearing plagued by obstacles and irregularities on the part of the judicial power. In a statement The Ajmaq Resistance and Rebellion Network points out: “We must clarify that Manuel’s freedom is not a concession of the Mexican State, nor is it proof that the justice delivery system works, on the contrary, it demonstrates a criminal State with structures to repress, capable of fabricating crimes. ” In Oaxaca, on November 15th in the framework of the first report of Governor Salomón Jara, the democratic teachers of Section XXII of the SNTE-CNTE mobilized to boycott the report. From early in the morning the education workers gathered in the zócalo and removed metal fences, chairs and a pavilion for the official event amidst slogans like Whoever may govern, rights are defended! and Section 22, the only one there are not two! Another commission of teachers moved to the local chamber of deputies to demonstrate before the delivery of the report preventing the departure of State personnel and officials, including the Secretary of Government Jesús Romero. Finally, the Oaxacan government had to improvise and send people from the charro unions (yellow) and the gangster “United Front of Oaxacan Communities” (FUCO) that leads the now candidate for Senator Antonio Morales Toledo, who at the beginning of the six-year term of AMLO was investigated by the Financial Intelligence Unit in the operation “Blue agave” . In the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, the Union of Indigenous Communities of the Northern Zone of the Isthmus (UCIZONI) released a statement where they denounce the criminalization of 16 of their comrades against whom an investigation has been opened for the crime of “attacks on communication routes” for their participation in protest activities against the imposition of the Interoceanic Corridor; The organization states that two hearings have been instructed for November 17th and December 28th, respectively. Finally, the Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo (CP-Red Sun) continues the activities within the Rectification Campaign. In the current phase of this it promotes the study of documents such as the Manifesto of the Communist Party and the basic documents of the organization between the different structures. We hope to have a more comprehensive report soon.

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