Actions on November 25th: Day against violence against women
Hereby we publish actions carried out internationally for November 25th, the International Day against violence against women.
In Lyon, France, the Feminin Populaire Committee (CFP) has participated in a march with more than 5,000 people. The activists brought the class line and spread the anti-imperialist line within the struggle of women in Palestine during the demonstration.

Spreading the anti-imperialist line of women’s struggle in Palestine, Lyon, France.
Yeni Demokrasi reported on a large mass demonstration in Istanbul, where thousands of people gathered. During the demonstration, Israel’s genocidal attacks against the Palestinian people, the massacre after the earthquake that occurred months earlier and the poverty and exploitation of women were denounced. Also slogans such as “Freedom for Palestine!” and “Long live our fight!” were shouted. In addition, a banner that reads “to finish the genocide in Palestine, end the treaties with Israel” was hung from a building.

However, the demonstration was severely repressed in Diyarbakır, were it was banned. Despite the ban, women tried to march against the violence against women and three were detained, including an elderly woman.
Avrupa Haber has reported on different demonstrations in Europe in which Turkish groups of women participated. In Innsbruck, Austria, in a demonstration which had thousands of people, the exploitation of women’s work, the capitalist system and the attacks of the imperialist system were denounced. There was a major support for the Palestinian people in the demonstration. During the march one person was detained.

In Brussels, Belgium, a march was held on November 25th, supported by the Kurdish Women’s Movement and the Purple Red Collective, where slogans such as “Woman, life, freedom!” were shouted. Another demonstration was held on November 26th, which gathered more than 5,000 people. Again, there was a lot of solidarity with the Palestinian people, also with Iranian women who suffer the oppression of the reactionary regime, as well as women killed by the Turkish Republic in Kurdistan.

Different Turkish groups, among them Purple-Red Collective, also participated in the demonstration in Rotterdam, the Netherlands which gathered more than 5,000 people, and in other places as Zurich or Nuremberg.

Demonstration in Rotterdam, Netherlands, for the day against patriarchal violence. Source: Avrupa Haber

Demonstration in Zurich, Switzerland, for the day against patriarchal violence. Source: Avrupa Haber

Demonstration in Nuremberg, Germany, for the day against patriarchal violence. Source: Avrupa Haber
Different demonstrations and activities in Germany, as Dem Volke Dienen reports, has being held.
In Berlin, Rote Bund took part in the demonstration of the Women’s Revolutionary Alliance and contributed to the speech. This was focused on the increasing of the violence against women in Germany and worldwide, and of how is necessary to destroy the private property as the economic basis for this violence, struggling against imperialism and for communism. Also the struggle of the Palestinian people was supported as a proof of proletarian internationalism

Demonstration in Berlin against the violence against women. Source: Dem Volke Dienen
In Leipzig, a rally was held, where several young women participated and showed their rage. It is read in the banner “Women, struggle and defend ourselves!” for a revolutionary women’s movement”.

In Hamburg, there was a demonstration with thousands of people. In it, there was a banner with the slogan “For a revolutionary women’s movement” and proletariat internationalism was shown with messages and banners in support of the Palestinian people

In Bremen, there was also a demonstration with thousands of participants, with a banner that reads “Fire and flames to patriarchy!”. On previous days, a presentation was held where how the women is exploited and oppressed under imperialism was exposed.

In the Spanish State different actions have been carried out. In Madrid, some graffiti have appeared with the slogans “Long live proletarian feminism!”. Stickers with the slogan “proletarian feminism for communism” with different communist women, including Marina Ginestà, communist guerrilla, and Comrade Norah have also been put on.

In Albacete the same stickers have been placed throughout the city’s university campus.

In the proletarian neighborhood of Taastrup Gård, Denmark, a graffiti with the slogan “25.11: Fight violence against women!” together with the hammer and sickle was made. A pamphlet distributed by the Anti-imperialist Collective was also attached.

In Aalborg, Denmark, a banner was hung that reads “proletarian feminism for communism!” next to the hammer and sickle.

In Norway, the international day against violence against women was marked by Kampkomiteen in the cities of Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Kristiansand. The struggle against violence against women was also linked to the resistance struggle of the Palestinian people.

In Oslo, Kampkomiteen participated in a manifestation against violence against women outside of the Norwegian parliament. After this Kampkomiteen and Iranian groups held a manifestation at Grøndland Torg, and then marched to Tøyen Torg, where they held another manifestation.

Banner of Kampkomiteen with the slogan “defeat violence against women” in a manifestation against violence against women outside of the Norwegian parliament in Oslo. Source: Kampkomiteen

Manifestation against violence against women, supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people and the struggle against the Iranian State, at Grønland Torg, Oslo. Source: Kampkomiteen