New offensive against the military regime in Myanmar

Featured image: Smoke from the police station in the town of Maw Luu, which was seized from the military regime on the 13th of December. Source: The Irrawaddy

On the 27th of October several armed groups launched a joint offensive against the military regime in Myanmar. The offensive is called Operation 1027 and was launched by the Brotherhood Alliance consisting of the Arkan Army (AA), the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA). Several armed groups are supporting the operation. 20,000 combatants are reported to take part in the operation.

Already on the 12th of December it was reported that the State had lost more than 300 military bases and around 20 towns after just over six weeks since the start of Operation 1027.

States and regions in Myanmar where attacks have taken place since the start of Operation 1027. Source: The Irrawaddy

During last week around 100 soldiers of the State are reported to have been killed, while the State has lost more bases and a town.

Last Friday the military regime is reported to have lost the town of Namhsan, in northern Shan State, to the TNLA after a six-day offensive against army battalions, bases and a police station. TNLA has stated that the military regime bombarded the town, destroying more than 50 houses, religious buildings and a school. It is reported that a large cache of ammunition and weapons were seized from the military bases of the State. 60 soldiers of the State were reported to have been killed and 36 soldiers and police officers were arrested.

The same day the Brotherhood Alliance is reported to have have seized the Muse border trade zone, after several days of attacks against a strategic hilltop base of the State. The Muse border trade zone accounts for around 70% of the cross-border trade between Myanmar and China.

During last week forces under the National Unity Government (NUG) is reported to have killed 30 forces of the State, injured 18 and arrested two in Tamu Township. The NUG is an exile government consisting of members of parliament that was ousted in the 2021 coup.

Last Thursday the Arakan Army stated that it had seized 142 positions form the State in 15 out of 17 townships in the State if Rakhine, as well as a township in the neighboring State of Chin.

We have previously reported on the situation in Myanmar and how the people are facing the massacres of the military regime with resistance.

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