The support to the struggle of the people of Palestine all over the world continues

Featured image: huge mobilization in support of the Palestinian people in Karachi, Pakistan. Source: AP Photo/Fareed Khan

Since the last actions on which we have reported, new actions and mobilizations have been done all over the world in support of the struggle of the Palestinian people and against the genocide perpetrated by the State of Israel and imperialism.

In Brazil many actions have been done:

In the capital, Brasilia, there has been carried out a mobilization that was called for by the Committee to Support the Palestinian People – Federal District (CSP-DF), in support of the Palestinian people and to denounce the genocide perpetrated by the State of Israel. The mobilization began as a rally, to later become a demonstration with distribution of leaflets.

Demonstration through the streets of Brasilia. Source: Data bank of A Nova Democracia (AND)

In Belo Horizonte, capital of Minas Gerais, was conveyed a day of global action for Palestine by several organizations, demanding the end of the relations of the Brazilian State with the State of Israel. Afterwards they trampled the Israeli and Yankee flags.

Mobilization in the capital of Minas Gerais. Source: Data Bank of AND

Banner that stood out among those hung during the mobilization. It is written: “Palestine Resist, Palestine Will Win!”. Source: Data bank of AND

Despite the rain, there was also a march of hundreds of people in Recife, capital of Pernambuco, in solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian National Resistance Front.

Big banner which stood out during the mobilization. It is written: “Palestine Resist! Palestine Will Win!” Source: Data bank of AND

At the end of the march, the Israeli and Yankee flags were trampled. Source: Data bank of AND

Additionally in Sao Paulo thousands of people gathered in a mobilization. Among the participants were various revolutionary organizations such as the People’s Women’s Movement (MFP), the Revolutionary People’s Student’s Movement (MEPR), the Classist Movement of Educational Workers (MOCLATE) and Red Unity – League of the Revolutionary Youth (UV-LJR).

March with banners in support of the struggle of the Palestinian people and flags of revolutionary organizations. Source: Data bank of AND

At the end of the mobilization the Israeli and Yankee flags were burned. Source: Data bank of AND

At the Federal University of the Amazon, Manaus, was organized a Symposium on the genocide and the dehumanization of the Palestinian people. The event gathered around 200 people.

The auditorium of the Faculty of Social Sciences was completely full during the event. Source: Data bank of AND

In Karachi, Pakistan, tens of thousands marched against the genocide perpetrated by the State of Israel, demanding that the US stop their support and compensate Palestine for the losses suffered.

Huge mobilization in support of the Palestinian people in Karachi, Pakistan. Source: AP Photo/Fareed Khan

In Lyon, France, pro-Palestinian activists carried out a rally against the German consulate in solidarity with those who were repressed in the demonstration of the LLL in Berlin, and in support of the struggle of the Palestinian people. Later they hung the banner at the entrance.

Rally at the German consulate. Source: Nouvelle Epoque

In Ireland, activists of Anti Imperialist Action – Ireland, put posters in the office of a bourgeois politician, continuing with the campaign against the Embassy of the State of Israel.

Additionally there was a huge demonstration in Dublin, which has been labeled by local media as the biggest demonstration in Ireland’s history regarding Palestine.

Great demonstration through the streets of Dublin. Source: Irish Central

In Bochum, Germany, revolutionaries have called for a mobilization on January 20, against the genocide against the Palestinian people.

Poster of the calling. Source: Dem Volke Dienen

In Limassol, Cyprus, was carried out a mobilization in front of the British military base in the city, denouncing the complicity of British imperialism in the genocide committed against the Palestinian people.

Mobilization in front of the British military base. Source: The Associated Press
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