AND: Weekly Editorial – The anti-imperialist war has spread in the Middle East

Hereby we publish an unofficial translation of the Weekly Editorial from A Nova Democracia.

The anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist war is widespread throughout the Middle East, involving the guerrilla masses of Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and counting on the convergence of the Iranian government, against Israel and Yankee imperialism, and its smaller partners, such as the United Kingdom.

There is no doubt that Iran’s recent bombings against Yankee and Zionist military positions in Iraq are yet another turning point in the Palestinian people’s war of national liberation. Iranian bombings now converge with the Houthis’ daily operations in Yemen and the Red Sea, which have caused severe economic and political damage to the Zionist State of Israel.

It is a fact that all the forces that have interests there have dragged themselves into war, which greatly favors the Palestinian cause. Today, it is no longer just about operations involving Palestine and Israel; the anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist war is widespread throughout the Greater Middle East, involving the guerrilla masses of anti-imperialist movements in Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and counting on the convergence of the Iranian government, against Israel and Yankee imperialism, and its smaller partners, such as the United Kingdom. The Arab governments, lackeys of Yankee imperialism, although they do not support the just Palestinian cause, nor can they condemn it or mobilize effective efforts to isolate it: this would be seen as an almost heretical betrayal of the aspirations of the Arab peoples, which have Muslim majority.

The Palestinian national revolutionary forces have been able to shrewdly use the contradictions in the field of imperialism as a reserve for the cause of liberation. For example, Iran’s actions have been of great value, not because the Iranian ruling classes aspire to a free Palestine, but because the weakening of Israel is a strategic condition for the expansionism of their bureaucratic-comprador capital. In turn, Russia has given free rein to Iran’s initiatives to provide weapons and political and military support to some anti-imperialist groups in the region, because this allows the Russians to set fire to the Middle East and threaten the status quo imposed by the Yankees. since the mischief of the 11th of September of 2001. This is excellent for the Palestinian cause.

The operations of October 7th and the heroic continuation of the Palestinian National Resistance have been, more than a hundred days later, the most dynamic elements of the international situation. The Palestinian cause, which before the Al-Aqsa Flood seemed to march towards oblivion, with the collusion and connivance of the ruling classes of the Arab countries in the face of Zionism, reappeared with all its vitality and politically defeated the plans of Zionism, on the one hand, and produced serious obstacles to the strategic plans of Yankee imperialism, on the other. Yankee imperialism intended to focus on the Pacific, to disrupt the growing Chinese influence, neutralize Japan’s imperialist pretensions and reinforce its military presence there and guarantee the status quo in Korea; now, given the situation, it will have to focus at least for a few years again on the Greater Middle East, a quagmire in which it was trapped for more than 20 years and emerged defeated. Your plans will be delayed. This will open up great possibilities for its rivals to regain positions lost decades ago, such as China in Taiwan and Japan in the Pacific; Germany and France in Europe; Russia in the former Soviet republics; Furthermore, all of this will encourage the people of the world to take the skies by storm in the face of the executioner’s weakness and disorder and the deep division among their peers. It is undeniable that, today, Palestinian national resistance has been the spearhead of this international situation of growing disorder and anti-imperialist tremors.

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