Brazil: Comrade Gabriel Yuji, present in the struggle! – A Nova Democracia
Hereby we publish an unofficial translation of an article published in A Nova Democracia.
With big sorrow we communicate the passing of comrade Gabriel Yuji, our beloved “Japa”, responsible of the A Nova Democracia Support Committee in Dourados-MS.
He was an active defender of the people’s rights since very young, and he radiated rebellion and revolutionary euphoria wherever he was. As a student of the Federal University of Grande Dourados he was always active in the struggles of the combative students’ movement. In the pandemic times, comrade Gabriel was one of the most active young people who built the People’s Aid Committee in an urban occupation of the city. Afterwards he continued his active role at the neighborhood ‘s People’s School, and moreover he was very dear for the children of the neighborhood.
He approached towards Marxism when he was still at secondary school, he joined the “Union of Communist Youths”. But he took a position of self-critique along with the development of his militancy, and he acknowledged this organization and the Party which leads it (“Brazilian Communist Party”) as revisionist and reformist organizations. He studied Maoism as the new, third and higher stage, dedicating himself with all his might to the Democratic, Agrarian and Anti-Imperialist Revolution. With the rise of the heroic Palestinian Resistance, the comrade was fundamental in the construction of the Solidarity Committee with the Palestinian People, which held demonstrations and carried out agitation and discussions.
He was, without doubts, the greatest AND propagandist in Dourados and the region: hundreds of students, professors and workers bought editions of the newspaper on comrade Japa’s agitation. In a recent edition, the comrade sold approximately 300 newspapers. This was a proof of his dedication towards the work. He let marks of simplicity and charisma in every place he was, and he easily linked himself with masses in the indigenous retaken lands, peasant areas and proletarian neighborhoods.
The comrade’s history has been marked by his singular sense of humor, unique charisma and relentless spirit, but mainly by his decision for revolution. He fulfilled his revolutionary tasks until the last day. In honor and glory to his memory, we call to everyone to keep combating this rotten and cruel capitalism, for a new society more fair and equalitarian. To you, comrade Gabriel, we swear: we will keep firm until the final victory.
Comrade Gabriel Yuji: present in the struggle!