Fierce Palestinian Resistance. More Repression against the Solidarity with Palestine

Feature image: demonstration in Tampere, Finland. Source: Punalippu

The genocidal State of Israel continues its massive bombardment against the civilian population of Rafah. At the same time the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) continue the forced expulsion of the Palestinians, expelling them from the east areas of Rafah towards the area of Al-Mawasi. The bombardments have not stopped in other areas, for example the IDF has carried out a new massacre in the Jabalia refugee camp in the north of the Gaza Strip. Among other places, the neighborhood of al-Zaytoun, where the Palestinian Resistance has been making fierce resistance in recent days, has also been hit.

The latest death toll stands at 34,971 people killed. Of these, 10,000 of their bodies are still under rubble and have not been recovered by their families. Another 78,641 people have been wounded.

In addition to the bombings and direct attacks against the civilian population, more crimes by the State of Israel are being uncovered every day. Recently, information has been leaked by three Israelis working in the Sde Teiman detention camp, in the Naqab desert. They have given numerous details of mistreatment, humiliation and torture that have been revealed in an interview by the bourgeois Yankee media CNN. There, Palestinian prisoners are forced to wear diapers, are not allowed to move and are kept blindfolded.

This adds to a long history of torture and misstreatment of Palestinian prisoners, something that has already been denounced in numerous reports and studies, and which we report on in the following article:

The people of Palestine are combating and resisting those who carry out the genocide. We previously reported on the combats in the al-Zaytoun neighborhood. Now the IDF has admitted that four of its soldiers have been killed by an improvised explosive device (IED) in Gaza City, and two others are seriously wounded by combats in the northern Gaza Strip. More videos of Palestinian Resistance actions in Gaza have recently been released:

In the West Bank the IDF has carried out numerous arrests in several villages and on the outskirts of Jenin. In front of this the people of Palestine continue their clashes against the Israeli repressive forces and resistance and clashes are reported in the village of Kafr Qaddum, Qalqilya district.

There have been more armed actions by various groups against the State of Israel. Since yesterday there are reports of more attacks by Hezbollah against various Israeli targets. In several cases these attacks have been successful and there are videos of the large fires they have caused:

Among the several attacks done recently, Hezbollah has informed that it attacked a group of Israeli soldiers in a building in Metula, same place where it already caused several IDF eliminations few days ago.

Numerous mobilizations have been organized in Morocco this week to support the people of Palestine and denounce Israel’s crimes.

Demonstration in Meknes in support of the Palestinians. Source: Anadolu

In Pakistan, a pro-Palestinian demonstration was organized in the capital, Islamabad, and they marched from the center of the city to the US embassy to protest against US support and arming of Israel. The imperialist lackey government blocked the embassy, preventing the demonstration from approaching the embassy and protecting its imperialist masters.

Demonstration in Islamabad. Source: Yeni Safak

In Mexico the demonstrators gathered in front of the Israeli embassy, shouting slogans like “Palestine will win!”, “Free Palestine now!”, “Stop the genocide!” and “Zionism out of Mexico!”.

Israeli flag being burned by Mexican protesters. Source: @JLMNews

Answering the call of the Palestinian resistance organizations, the organization Thousand Youths for Palestine organized rallies in Istanbul and Bursa, Turkey, denouncing the genocidal attack against Rafah. In Istanbul, they also read out the names of their captured friends and raised the slogan “Our resistance and struggle will continue from Silivri [prison in Istanbul] to Istanbul to Gaza!”. In Bursa, the rallies will continue for the next three days.

Rally against the attack on Rafah in Turkey. Source: Yeni Demokrasi

On Thursday 9th there was a demonstration for Palestine in Tampere, Finland,called by “Tampere with Palestine” due to the Israeli attack on Rafah. At the end of the march speeches were made condemning Israel, as well as Finland for its complicity and hypocrisy, and declaring that the two-state solution is subordinate to Zionism.

In France, the Student Union Federation continues with the actions for the comrade Luiggi, arrested during the mobilizations at the university for Palestine.

They have also denounced the complicity of the University of Lille in this arrest.

La Cause du Peuple has published new graffiti about the ongoing attack in Rafah.

Clashes and protests at pro-Palestinian encampments continue at US universities. Recently, many of these encampments have been attacked and dismantled, such as the one at the University of Pennsylvania. In most of these assaults and dismantlings there are dozens of detainees. The number of detainees now exceeds 2,900 in the US.

Clash between demonstrators and police at Pennsylvania campus. Source: The Associated Press

Evictions and arrests are taking place at pro-Palestinian encampments in many other parts of Europe. Four protesters were recently arrested in Vienna following the eviction of the pro-Palestinian encampment there between Wednesday night and Thursday.

Eviction of the pro-Palestinian encampment at the University of Vienna. Source: Rote Fahne

Eight students have also been arrested at the University of Lisbon after disobeying a police order to clear the pro-Palestinian encampment at the university’s Faculty of Psychology and Institute of Education. Meanwhile, pro-Palestinian encampments continue to be erected in many other places: in the UK, dozens of such camps have appeared at universities in multiple cities, including London, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield, Leeds, among others.

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