Hereby we publish an unofficial translation of a report published on Partizan.
Communist Leader İbrahim Kaypakkaya was commemorated with mass events in Innsbruck, Austria, and Basel, Switzerland, on the 51st anniversary of his murder.
Partizan prepared for the commemoration events with approximately 2 months of intense work. Thousands of Turkish and Kurdish and immigrant workers of various nationalities were reached in the studies carried out. The work started with extended meetings in the neighborhoods about the meaning and importance of the commemoration event and the determined goals. In the mass meetings, discussions were held on the historical and current meaning of Comrade İbrahim Kaypakkaya and how he should be handled. The importance of the committee activity regarding the work of the commemorations to be held, the mobilization of the widest segment of society for this work and the importance of widespread mass work were emphasized. The perspective of the activity to be carried out to develop organizational awareness and to build a correct organizational line and working style was adopted. On this basis, the importance of creating public opinion with a lively organizational work, as well as bring Comrade İbrahim to the working immigrant people, has been determined. An activity process has been organized in which this concentration continues unabated throughout the process. Every place where there are people has been turned into an area of work on Kaypakkaya. A process suitable for intense work took place, and Communist Leader İbrahim Kaypakkaya was moved to segments that expanded his target audience with the full mobilization of the existing organizational power.
The events that were the finale of these studies on 18 and 19 May were held in a very massive and enthusiastic manner.
The events started with an opening speech and a moment of silence on 18 May at 17.30 in Innsbruck and on 19 May at 14.30 in Basel. Immediately after the moment of silence in Innsbruck, Grup Umuda Tohum enthusiastically shouted the Party Anthem and the 18 May Anthem with the crowd. In Basel, the 18 May Anthem was sung along with the presentation of Grup Vardiya. After the anthems sung at the opening, the slogans “Our Leader İbrahim, İbrahim Kaypakkaya” echoed in the hall.
Immediately after the anthems, the events continued with the prepared video screening. After this, the Innsbruck event continued with the repertoires prepared by Grup Umuda Tohum. In Basel the event continued with the presentation of the repertoires prepared by Grup Vardiya. Both groups were appreciated with their very enthusiastic and beautiful presentations. After Grup Umuda Tohum in Innsbruck, the night event continued with the message sent by the TKP/ML-Central Committee.
In Basel, after the movie, the Asmin-Rosa Children’s Choir took the stage first. As Asmin-Roza Children’s Choir completed its presentation with its beautiful voices, beautiful faces and the most excited mood, it was replaced by the Blue Yol Poetry group. In the short but enthusiastic presentation of the Mavi-Yol poetry group, especially the interpretation of Hasan Hakkı Erdoğan’s poem “Gulasor” by the youngest member of the group created great enthusiasm and excitement in the audience. After the Blue-Yol Poetry group, the message of TKP/ML-Central Committee was read.
While moving on to the TKP/ML-Central Committee message, the slogans “Long live our Party TKP/ML, People’s Army TIKKO, Youth Organization TMLGB” were loudly shouted in the hall. In the Central Committee message, it was mentioned that Comrade İbrahim Kaypakkaya was the most important historical figure in the Turkish revolutionary struggle and how his murder at an early age under torture created a void for the TKP/ML. The historical meaning of the proletariat waving the red flag against the 50-year-old pacifist, constitutionalist, class collaborationist line of revisionism that took over the TKP after the murder of Mustafa Suphi and 15 of his comrades was emphasized. In the message, “Our party lost not only its founder and theorist but also its political leadership very early. The ideological-political foundation he laid has gained the power to become a guide to a historical process and has continued to be a living element of this historical process. The political-ideological concentration embodied in Comrade İbrahim regarding the problems and organization of the revolution has undoubtedly weakened with his loss. However, he has never stopped, remained stagnant, been abandoned, or been condemned to loneliness.” It was stated that the determination to continue İbrahim Kaypakkaya’s line continued unabated. In the message, greetings were sent from the comrades who continued the fight in the party’s city areas, women’s work, youth, prisons, guerrilla struggle, and organized the people and made them struggle. “Those of us who have become immortal and those who still continue the fight were and are aware that Comrade İbrahim is a favor that history has passed down to us. Because Comrade İbrahim is the life elixir of a communist attitude, an endless devotion to the people, a short life dedicated to finding solutions to the problems of the class struggle, an audacity to destroy the old and build the new, an endless anger and hatred towards the enemy, and the life elixir of our revolution.” After his emphasis, “Our party is determined to continue its will to fight against fascism, imperialism and all kinds of reactionism, and to continue on this path until victory. “We will continue to follow the path of Comrade İbrahim, which is hope for us and fear for fascism.” The Central Committee’s message was frequently greeted by the crowd with slogans such as “Long live our Party TKP/ML”, “İbo is alive, TIKKO is fighting”, “Biji Berxwedane Guerrilla”, “From İbrahim to Mehmet, Greetings to the Party”.
After the Central Committee message, the Innsbruck event continued with Pınar Aydınlar taking the stage. Referring to the sentences given in the Kobane case, Pınar Aydınlar called for increasing the struggle, saying that the achievements of the Kurdish People and their struggle cannot be digested by trials and penalties. Pınar Aydınlar increased the enthusiasm in the hall with her stage performance.
The Basel event continued with Grup Vardiya after the Central Committee message. Group Vardiya stated that it was an honor for them to be at the İbrahim Kaypakkaya commemoration event and emphasized the importance of embracing revolutionary leaders such as Deniz-Mahir-İbrahim-Mazlum. Vardiya reinforced the political meaning of the night with marches and folk songs.
The activities continued after short breaks. The Innsbruck event continued after the break with the presentation of Grup Vardiya, and Basel with the presentation of Pınar Aydınlar.
Later, the message of the International Communist League (ICL), which declared its establishment in December 2022 on the basis of adherence to the principles of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, was read at the commemoration event. In the message, it was stated that the ICL was established by adopting Maoism, the ideology of the International proletariat, as a unifying principle to combat revisionism and advance the World Proletarian Revolution. The ICL message touched upon the international situation and how intense contradictions point to a new wave of revolution and revolutionary situation. It was emphasized that the political situation was extremely favorable for the path indicated by Kaypakkaya. The ICL message pointed out the importance of İbrahim’s line on the Kurdish issue, the fight against Revisionism, and the line of armed struggle against reactionism and fascism. TKP/ML’s insistence on the path of People’s War and New Democratic Revolution drawn by İbrahim against the election game and the electoral charade was saluted. The ICL message ended as follows: “Kaypakkaya took responsibility for the historical step that started the glorious and invincible People’s War in Turkey. He paid the price with his own life for this step, which illuminated the path of the international proletariat along with the People’s Wars in Peru, India and the Philippines.” The ICL message was greeted with slogans such as “long live proletarian internationalism”.
Grup Bajar took the stage in the finals of the two events. Bajar increased both the rhythm and enthusiasm of the commemoration event with its repertoire of Kurdish and Turkish folk melodies and its effective presentation.
Greetings from many revolutionary organizations reached the commemoration events. Messages and greetings were sent by the MLKP, MKP, Komintern, Çağrı and Der Vorbote to the commemoration event in Innsbruck, and touching on the historical and current importance of Comrade Ibrahim. In Basel, MKP, TKİP, MLKP, Revolutionary Headquarters, People’s Front, Revolutionary Stance, Pioneer Partisan, New Communism Collective, Kurdistan Communist Party and the German Roter Bund (Red League) sent their messages of solidarity and greetings.
The commemoration events ended enthusiastically with the mass taking of the revolutionary oath and saluting İbrahim Kaypakkaya and the TKP/ML he founded.