International Solidarity with Chile
From different parts of the world actions in solidarity with the residents of encampments in Chile and their struggle has been report, in concrete with the ‘Toma 17 de Mayo’, which was attacked by the State, who even burned the homes of the families. Facing that, yesterday protest were made in different cities of Chile, as we reported:
In Paris, France, Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire (LJR), Jeunes Révolutionnaires (JR), the Student’s Federation Union (FSE) and the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah (CUPLGIA) made a rally in front of the Chilean embassy:
In other cities of France several graffitis were done:

In Mexico, dazibaos in solidarity has been done in the teacher-popular encampment that the National Coordinator of Educational Workers (CNTE) is doing together with several democratic organizations

Also in Brazil graffiti in solidarity with the neighborhoods of ‘Toma 17 de Mayo’ were done througout the country. Here we attach some of the pictures:

Graffito in São Paulo. Source: Servir ao Povo

In Copenhagen, graffiti were made in solidarity with the ‘Toma 17 de Mayo’.
“‘Toma 17 de Mayo’, long live the struggle of the Chilean people!”. Source: Roede Fane