Mexico: Stop the Repression against the Democratic Teachers!

Hereby we publish an unofficial translation of a statement published by Sol Rojista Mexico:

The Current of the People Red Sun expresses its most energetic condemnation of the terrible aggression recorded today against the democratic teachers of Section XXII of the SNTE-CNTE, and the repression against the contingents of the CNTE in Mexico City.

As we have previously denounced, the political use of shock groups that disguise “carriers” covered by yellow and break-strikes unions as always, was a common practice of the governments of the PRIAN and today is continued by the governments of the self-proclaimed “fourth transformation”, which like their predecessors see in the teachers and popular struggle a threat to their economic and political interests.

The story of the alleged “anger of the residents” towards the mobilizations is a counter-insurgent narrative that has built the old State of big landlords and great bourgeois to try to reduce the costs of repression. Actually these are shock groups made up of mercenaries and criminals that act under an order, whose objective is to frighten and demobilize workers and peoples in struggle.

Today’s protests at the Oaxaca airport and the Mexico City main square have been to cover the dialogue table with AMLO, demanding a clear response to the justice and sectorial demands of the CNTE. The final result has been the aggression of the shock groups in Oaxaca and from the riot police in Mexico City that attacked and intended to block the education workers, who returned blow by blow giving a lesson of dignity.

The aggression at the Oaxaca airport and at Mexico City main square are the clear show that there is no room for trust in the governments of the big bourgeoisie, whether they come from. This also must be applied to the bureaucratic government that Claudia Sheinbaum will have to lead, who has assured that she will give continuity to AMLO policies, that means, imposition of mega-projects, corporatism and militarization.

We emphasize: Repression and State terrorism will not silence the dignified struggle of the democratic teachers and the Mexican and Oaxacan peoples.

Once again we close ranks around the Democratic Movement of Oaxaca Education (MDTE) and the National Coordinating of Education Workers (CNTE).

We demand to the State of Oaxaca:

– The exemplary punishment of mercenaries who wounded and illegally retained the teachers comrades.

– The dismantling of the shock groups operating in the entity.

We demand to the Federal government:

– The reinstatement of the solving dialogue with clear and specific responses to the CNTE.

– The stop of repression against the teachers and people’s movement.

We make both governments responsible for the physical and emotional integrity of the comrades.

Before the repression, mobilization!

Stop the war against the people!

Make the strike a popular-teachers National Strike!

Whoever governs, the rights of the people are defended!

With the Red Sun, the people will win!


June 4, 2024

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