France: New Great Success in the Struggle for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah
Comrades from France have publish a statement updating the situation of the demonstration that took place on June 15 in Lyon to demand the freedom of Georges Abdallah. Here we translate:
“New great success – after the last mobilization in Lannemezan on April 6 which brought together more than 2,000 people – of the national demonstration for the release of Georges Abdallah called by the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah, co-organized by the League of Revolutionary Youth and the Collective 69 Palestine!
More than 3,000 participants responded this Saturday, June 15, 2024 in Lyon in support of the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people, to Georges Abdallah and two comrades of the LJR prosecuted tomorrow, June 18 for their support for Palestine and our comrade Georges Abdallah.
In this long, determined and combative cortege, many political and trade union organizations marched from the four corners of France and neighboring countries (Germany, Austria and Spain) by car-sharing or used one of the two buses that left from Marseille and Paris.
Thus were present – in addition to the organizers – (quoted in massively and perhaps in a non-exhaustive way…) activists from the FSE, JR, Secours Rouge Arabe, Collectif Georges Abdallah 74, Collectif Georges Abdallah 38, Collectif Georges Abdallah 33, Cause du Peuple, Nouvelle Époque, Comité Action Palestine, PRC, de Thawra, Soutiens de Bagnolet, Fosse aux Lyons, l’ANC, FUIQP, Collectif Palestine Vaincra, d’UP Lyon, d’UP Marseille and d’UP nationale, de Perspectives Musulmanes, l’UJFP, BDS, AFPS, OCML-VP, the International Communist League, CGT UL Mirail, Sud Solidaires, Comité Palestine 31, Action Antifasciste Paris Banlieue, Jeune Garde, France Insoumise, NPA, PCF, JC, UCL, Ensemble, CRI Rouge, militants from Kurdistan, Solidarité Indonésie, Solidarité Kanaky, Partizan, Rote Fahne … All united around slogans and declarations directly supporting the resistance and denouncing the genocidal war waged by the Zionist entity and its imperialist and reactionary allies.
This time again, Georges Abdallah, your comrades were there and all reaffirmed their unwavering determination to continue the struggle until your release!
Palestine will live! Palestine will win! Let’s free Georges Abdallah!
We are the people and victory belongs to us!”
Also the demonstration marched for the two comrades from la Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire, that face charges for having jumped into the field in the middle of a football match in 2022 to make visible the Palestinian cause.
In different countries there have been actions in solidarity for the liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.
In Mexico, the newspaper Periódico Mural called for the International Week of Actions by Georges Abdallah.
In Hamburg, Germany, a rally was held on June 14 against the French consulate by the Palestinian Alliance of Hamburg. In the demonstration, revolutionary, progressive and anti-imperialist organizations and individuals attended. They also received the support of the passers-by, for example that of a veteran of the Palestinian movement who greeted the demonstration saying: “It is good that you think of Georges.” Slogans as “Freedom for Georges Ibrahim Abdallah!”, “Freedom for all political prisoners!”, “Viva, viva Palestine!” and “Long live international solidarity!” were chanted.