Bangladesh: A ‘people’s representative’ and an ‘extremist’ leader

Hereby we publish an unofficial translation of an excerpt of an article found in Andolan Potrika, Bangladeshi newspaper. This excerpt is on the murder of Anwarul Azim Anar, a Bangladeshi Member of Parliament (MP) from the Awami League, party which leads the government of Bangladesh. He was from an area close to the border with the old Indian State. He went missing on 13th of May and was found dead on 22nd of May. The investigations are still going on, as they are looking for mobile phones thrown by suspects because contained important evidence, and also there have been more detained suspects. As it is pointed out in the text, the main suspects, besides the named as Shaheen or Shimul who are mentioned, are more Awami League leaders, for example Kazi Kamal Ahmed Babu, known as ‘Gas Babu’ or also Mintu.

A MP from Jhineda, short name Anar, was murdered in India apparently by Bangladeshi killers. The killers are his friends, business partners and political associates. All Awami League. ‘Business’ means smuggling, gold smuggling, money laundering, hundi [Translator’s note: an informal cross-border money-transfer system that bypasses the legal banking system], women traffic, drug trade – etc., etc. The main accused, who is believed to be Shaheen, is also an Awami leader. His brother is the Upazila mayor. The character of all of them is as pure as a flower, as can be understood from the words of the young mercenary named Celesti, who is imprisoned now.

The MP was brought to a rented house in an elite area of Kolkata and murdered. Then whatever was done with his body was done by these fascist godfathers and their various government/private forces, against their enemy political activists/leaders – which of course Deepjol-marka villains were seen doing in Dhaka movies too.

A criminal godfather of such magnitude was already an Interpol-listed suspect before the Awami government. Interestingly, Mr. Quader said, due to his popularity, he was MP three times. And after becoming an MP, all cases and complaints have been ‘solved’. So, it appears, what is the measure of popularity of Awami MPs? The bigger the terrorist, godfather, criminal, the more popular he is (sorry! maybe not everyone). It is a wonder why he was not taken into the cabinet.

Seemly the murder of this ‘people’s representative’ is accompanied by the name of an ‘extremist’ leader named Shimool along with the main character named Shaheen. It is said that this person is the leader of an extremist party called Communist Party of East Bengal. Instead of what he was in the past, or who is his relative, if his current or recent history is seen, it will be clear that he is also a man of Awami League. He killed the former chairman of his union and made his brother chairman. His wife is an unopposed Zilla Parishad [Translator’s note: district council, the local government in Bangladesh] member by the Awami League. He is the master of this family. How he became the leader of the extremist party! But the bourgeois media is constantly promoting it. There are two objectives – one, to discredit the Maoist party tagged as extremists; two, to cover up the Awami connections and their misdeeds as much as possible.

It is known that Shimul was once (about thirty years ago) an active activist/leader of the Communist Party of East Bengal in the region. But after that the political history of Shimul after the collapse of the party has been said above. It is not uncommon for a revolutionary party to degenerate politically to become a leader of a bourgeois party or become a criminal under their protection. The case of Shimul is one such. But the DB-leader or the bourgeois media has now made this Awami family criminal a Maoist leader. Saying extremist. However, they never call the Awami League, Chhatra League, Jubo League or the police who are the perpetrators of the above-mentioned crimes as extremists. Anar is also not an extremist, an elected MP, a popular leader. They do not call Sheikh Hasina an extremist leader either. Because, they don’t work at night, they are doing it during the day like if he was cutting cloths at noon. Because they are in power.

Who creates and protects these popular leaders and criminal godfathers?

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