AND: Editorial – Events in history only repeat as farces
We publish an unofficial translation of the Editorial by A Nova Democracia.
There will be no more strengthening except a possible victory for a next term. The crisis is as such that everything leads to political disintegration within the Yankee ruling classes.
Although not everything is on the table regarding the July 13 episodes involving Donald Trump, one thing is already unavoidable from the information that has come to light: there were “hidden hands”, which managed this machination, from behind. It is worth asking: how would a 20-year-old come within 150 meters of a presidential candidate and former president’s campaign platform, with an AR-15, having in theory passed through the FBI and local police security cordon, having climbed onto a roof that does not reach two floors, with full view of his target, having been spotted by cameras and by the public who notified the event’s security (!!!) and, even so, the Yankee “secret service” did not see him?!?! Come on, no way! The agents of Yankee imperialism might be stupid, but they are not blind. In this sense, whoever was the promoter of the scam and his intentions, does not change the fact that an event like this would not be possible, in this way, without “hidden hands” that at least facilitated it.
In fact, the immediate outcome is the strengthening of Donald Trump’s campaign and the pressure on Joe Biden’s candidacy, but in perspective, it could force the only situation in which the “democrats” have a chance: a change of candidate. Biden would need to demonstrate enormous sagacity to politically bypass the situation, as to reverse the situation he will have to demoralize Trump and, at the same time, not attack him, in the first instance: this would only reinforce his position as a victim. In fact, another “democratic” candidate could appear as a “neutral”, who wants to pacify the country, and would be more able to succeed – this is another element of pressure on Biden, who can only win the elections by a miracle, according to bourgeois analysts themselves. Furthermore, for Trump, the main positive outcome of this event is that it awakens a mass of Americans identified with his ultra-reactionary values to vote in these elections: the biggest obstacle, for both candidates, is the rise in electoral boycotts, and this weighs more against Trump, whose electorate tends to have higher rates of electoral abstention.
Whoever was the intellectual mentor and organizer of this scam – because there is no doubt that it was indeed a scam – he placed Trump in the position of Gustav III of Sweden: survivor of an attack in 1792, he only became stronger. But Trump is not Gustav III and any strengthening will be nothing more than an eventual victory for a next term. The degree of depth of the general crisis of decomposition of imperialism is such that, from the stagnant economy to the degree of explosiveness of popular protest, everything leads to political disaggregation within the dominant classes, exhaustion of their attacks, demoralization of their political representatives and cultural and ideological crisis in its old society. This event itself is nothing more than a symptom of the degree of division to which the Yankee imperialist bourgeoisie has reached, in its race to maintain its positions on its international plan, harassed by its imperialist contenders on all continents and by the People’s Wars in Peru, India, Turkey and the Philippines, and national liberation in Palestine, Yemen and vast areas of the Middle East; and internally, due to a situation of general explosiveness of the working masses, mainly black and immigrants, exhausted by maximum exploitation and brutal chauvinism, all wrapped up in a widespread discontent with bourgeois democracy hooked into the cannons of the industrial-military complex (this, yes, true decision-making center of the country). This is Yankee imperialism, a giant with feet of clay, which the more monopolistic and apparently powerful, the heavier it becomes and, therefore, the more predictable its falls.