Mexico: Weekly Newsletter
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the weekly newsletter by Solrojista:
This July 22 culminates the Week of Solidarity with the people of India and the Communist Party of India (Maoist) convened by the Current of the People – Red Sun. Very soon we will provide a detailed report on the various actions we have carried out regarding this internationalist campaign.
At the same time, we report on the situation of our comrade Arnulfo García Santos, detained on June 28 and currently held in the state prison of Miahuatlán, Oaxaca, accused of the crime of qualified homicide in the middle of a farce trial mounted by the old State in complicity with the MULT-Morena paramilitaries. Our colleague has managed to send greetings to all those who support the cause of his release, in addition to the demand for justice for the displaced Triquis of San Miguel Copala. Below is the comrade’s letter:
“Dear friends, family and colleagues.
My words are short but I want you to know that I feel as good as I can and that I am convinced of the efforts that all of you are making to demand my freedom. I am a political prisoner and my crime is being a displaced Triqui from San Miguel Copala. I am accused and I don’t know why, who gave the order, who thought to harm me.
I am a member of the Committee of Displaced Persons and I have always defended our cause, which is the reparation of damage and the right of each displaced person to return or relocation in dignity, fairness and peace. The MULT paramilitaries make and break, they buy authorities and they buy the law, that helped them to seize and to steal our land, it helps them today to imprison me because the law is theirs and even more so today that they are the government.
I am sure that you do not forget me and I do not forget you, either. I hold my left fist up in this cell and think that our Sun never stops shining. “With the Red Sun the people will win!”
In demand of the release of comrade Arnulfo, actions continue to be carried out, preparing the mobilization.
Freedom for Arnulfo García Santos!
Freedom, freedom to the prisoners for struggle!
Justice for the displaced Triquis of San Miguel Copala!