AND: Editorial – He shot what he saw, he hit what he didn’t see!

We publish an unofficial translation of an editorial by A Nova Democracia.

There are several symptoms of an acute general crisis of decomposition of imperialism.

Kamala Harris, vice-president of the USA, by assuming the head of the presidential race of the “Democratic Party” mafia, resurrects the electoral dispute, which was already virtually defined. In this sense, whatever the motivation of the Pennsylvania sniper was, when shooting with his AR-15, it is a typical case of someone who shoots what he sees and hits what he doesn’t see, resulting in an unexpected situation: Joe’s Biden candidacy ended by a shot in the ear to someone else. If that dispute continued, Trump would already be virtually elected, not only because of the notable incapacity of the current Yankee president, but mainly because the political dispute would be trapped in comparisons between the two governments, and in this comparison, for economic reasons, Biden is worse. Not with Kamala: the political dispute, at least mainly, is not in the comparison between governments, after all, she was never president, but rather the clucking defense of “democracy” in the farcical polarization “democracy versus fascism”, as if she and the genocidal band of “Democrats” had some identity with the democratic rights and freedoms, which they violate so much, especially in the oppressed nations!

All the opportunism of the false left cannot contain itself and is already starting a disgusting campaign in favor of Kamala Harris. After all, she is Afro-Asian, a woman and even defends the regularization of abortion in the USA: this, of course, does not prevent her from being a participant and accomplice in the genocide of the Palestinian people, as she is part of the current government responsible for all military, logistical, material and political-diplomatic support to the Nazi-Zionist State of Israel in its campaign of siege and extermination. Postmodernist politics is, once again, a reserve for legitimizing genocidal bourgeois democracy in an advanced stage of putrefaction, to continue the sinister march of subjugating the world to imperialism.

Speaking of which, the Palestinian Resistance achieves new victories – the most recent is the agreement established between the forces of national resistance and those that are wavering and conciliatory (the right-wing of Al Fatah) for national unity against Zionism. Hamas, PFLP, DFLP, Islamic Jihad, Fatah and other organizations defined, as a point of unity, the “establishment of an independent Palestinian State with Jerusalem as its capital” and “guaranteeing the right of return” of refugees. This is a resounding victory for the left-wing current of the Palestinian Resistance and clashes head-on with the Zionist plans of Israel and the Yankee imperialism that manages them. It is a recognition of the need to sweep away Zionism, through the war of national liberation, dragging the capitulationist forces that, until yesterday, were limited to Israel’s plans as a reserve to maintain its apartheid with a “Palestinian Authority” under Zionist tutelage, and now, they are committed to resistance. It is, finally, another victory for the Palestinian Resistance, an important step forward in national unity and causes serious damage to imperialist plans.

Finally, in Venezuela the situation also escalates, as signs of the crisis of imperialism. Nicolás Maduro and his regime of bureaucratic capitalism based on the export of oil to the States are being sieged. On the one hand, the corporatist regime is consolidated and no election will be able to change the structures of the Venezuelan State. When Maduro says that, without his broad victory, there will be a civil war, he is basically saying the truth: on the other hand, the ultra-reactionary opposition – a bunch of lackey of Yankee imperialist interests – will produce disorders, given the degree of political and institutional crisis, and the corporate-type regime will not allow itself to be subverted despite the election. Furthermore, it is still a sign of an acute political crisis that “Chavismo” is at risk of being defeated electorally, with almost total control over the State apparatus. The Yankees, naturally, are supporting their lackey opposition, but they will not intervene directly now, even if the Maduro regime “breaks the rules of the game”: since 2019, when they began an intervention process, the Yankees retreated upon reaching the conclusion of that this would produce an anti-imperialist storm in their backyard, and in a context in which the peasant struggle in the subcontinent seriously threatens their interests, it would be an almost suicidal decision. They will certainly increase sanctions of all types, to pressure the emergence of dissension within the regime, especially in the Venezuelan Armed Forces, which they have not achieved so far with n failed attempts, and will use it as a pretext to boost their military presence in the subcontinent, including to combat revolutionary peasant uprisings.

The reaction of consternation with the “lack of freedom” in the Venezuelan regime, on the part of the press monopolies in Brazil, is comical: they say that an opposition candidate was unable to run due to orders of the “Maduro dictatorship”, when, in Brazil , in 2018, an opposition candidate was unable to participate due to a tweet from the then Army commander. Who is democracy and who is dictatorship after all?

These are all symptoms of an acute general crisis of decomposition of imperialism, the degree of which is unprecedented in the world, causing disorders of ever greater magnitude, fomenting the revolutionary situation in which massive popular revolts explode that shake the entire system of reactionary domination, where the revolutionary struggle of the people will advance throughout the world.

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