Colombia: Fighters and revolutionaries make an event to unite in the current tasks

Hereby we publish an unofficial translation of an article published by Nueva Democracia from Colombia.

On 29th and 30th of June, and 1st of July, different fighters and students, youth, feminine, housing, workers and peasant organizations made a revolutionary meeting in Medellin, where they made presentations, discussions and cultural contributions on the need and tasks of the revolution in Colombia. This meeting aimed to ideologically and politically equip the participants on the basis of revolutionary politics and its application to the current reality. There the national and international situation were analyzed, and important discussions on the conditions of the world and the country were held. To hold this meeting was possible due to the discipline of the organizers and participants, as they put in action the revolutionary principle of base themselves in their own efforts.

The meeting started with the presentation and the greeting from the different organizations and participants. Afterwards the discussion started on the international question, were it was discussed the role of imperialism, mainly Yankee imperialism, in the oppression of the peoples of the world; they also discussed the great role of the heroic national liberation resistance of the Palestinian people; and, also on the necessity of impulse the anti-imperialist struggle in our country and in the world, assuming the call of the recently founded, Anti-Imperialist League.

After that, the debate was on the national reality, explaining the importance of the struggle for the land in our country and of the analysis of the current reality on the light of the thesis of the great Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, from quotes linked to the topic of reform and revolution. With such revolutionary theoretical thoughts, it was analyzed the role of Petro and the current government, approaching to its relations with Yankee imperialism and with the big businessmen of the big bourgeoisie in Colombia, following its actions during its almost two years of government and how he faithfully served the plans of the ruling classes, controlling the rebellion of the people and deepening the exploitation of the popular classes.

From the political agreements achieved with the national and international characterization, afterwards it was held the discussion on the necessity of bring into practice this revolutionary policy, by the organization of the fighters and revolutionaries. From these discussions were achieved different unities: 1) the need of make the revolution in our country; 2) the need of unite with the popular, peasant and working masses in the city and the countryside, and increasingly politically educate them under revolutionary principles; 3) the need of revolutionary movements which bring the politics to the broad popular masses, and which build the organizations prepared to carry out the different revolutionary tasks; 4) the need of independency of the organizations from the State and the government; 5) the need of struggle against opportunism; 6) the need of impulse the struggle for the rights of the people in the different fronts; 7) the need of impulse the anti-imperialist struggle and organizations in the country; 8) the need of continue struggling before the difficulties and adversities.

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