August 26 – Global Day of action: Support the Philippine revolution until liberation!
We hereby share a call by the Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle:
On this August 26, 2024, we as Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle (FFPS) are calling for a Global Day of Action to highlight and support the Filipino people’s resistance to foreign domination.
For centuries, the Filipino people have faced oppression and exploitation at the hands of foreign powers. However, their fierce resistance to foreign domination has persisted for just as long. From the August 26, 1896 revolt against the Spanish colonizers to the current people’s democratic revolution against the US-puppet regime, the Filipino people have demonstrated unwavering courage and resilience.
The current president of the Philippines, Marcos Jr., truly lives up to the title of “puppet president”. The April-June 2024 issue of Liberation International describes:
Marcos Jr.’s servility to the US and his betrayal of Philippine sovereignty are the reasons why the country is being dragged into a war that has nothing to do with its national interest. In exchange for military aid and political favors, the Marcos Jr. regime blindly follows the wishes and needs of the US military for the construction of more bases and facilities.
The Philippine revolutionary movement has been the main obstacle to all-out imperialist war in the Asia-Pacific region. Through a strong and protracted armed struggle, the oppressed and exploited Filipino people pose a real challenge to US imperialist hegemony and dominance over the Philippine islands.
It is only right that we stand with the oppressed and exploited masses, and that we support their just and ongoing struggle for liberation. The Filipino people, their broadest united revolutionary front, the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDF), and their comprehensive national democratic revolution with a socialist perspective deserve the support of the peace-loving and pro-people forces of the world.
Without the revolution and the armed struggle it wages, the Filipino people would be left without teeth to defend itself against the onslaught of imperialism. As FFPS we acknowledge the Filipino people’s right to self-determination and their right to struggle for national and social liberation.
US imperialism is in strategic decline. But in its decline, it lashes out and shows its character as a dying, desperate empire. As it faces challenges to its domination all over the globe, it has intensified its wars of repression and aggression, including its brutal counterrevolutionary war on the Filipino people. As US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and State Secretary Antony Blinken are set to visit the Philippines on July 30, the US is reported to be in the final stages of approving nearly $2 billion in additional ‘security aid’ to the Indo-Pacific including $500 million for the US-Marcos regime.
It is thus even more urgent for anti-imperialists to stand in full solidarity with the national liberation struggles all around the world, as they are an integral part of the global struggle against imperialism and toward a future without exploitation and oppression.
The recent International People’s Tribunal (IPT) highlighted the growing necessity and justness of the Filipino people’s struggle, as well as the ongoing war crimes being committed by US imperialism and its puppets. This Global Day of Action, let us continue to spread the findings of the IPT and the justness of the Filipino people’s war.
Call to action:
In this Global Day of Action we highlight that all over the world,from Palestine to India, to the Philippines, the oppressed and exploited peoples are advancing their urgent and just struggles. As the imperialist powers wage war on them, the people have every right to struggle more resolutely for liberation, and to defend their land and livelihoods.
This Global Day of Action, we call on all members and allies to mobilize and/or hold propaganda actions that highlight the Filipino people’s continuing fight against foreign domination. These can include militant demonstrations at popular places or at key institutions such as national parliaments, congress buildings, etc. Propaganda actions can involve distributing flyers and informational leaflets in public places, wheat-pasting posters, setting up creative art installations, or any other initiatives aimed at reaching a broader audience.
We must show the world that it is the NDFP and the fighting Filipino masses that are struggling to free the Philippines from the evils of US imperialism, domestic feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism. Let us show our support in upholding the right of the Filipino people and all oppressed and exploited peoples of the world to fight for their liberation.
The Filipino people’s revolution is unfinished! Support the Philippine revolution until liberation!
“Long live the militant anti-imperialist struggle of the Filipino people!”
“We support the Filipino aspiration: National Liberation against US imperialism!”
“Support the Philippine revolution for a just and lasting peace!”
“US imperialist, #1 terrorist!”
“People’s war is for people’s peace!”
“Revolutionaries are not terrorists!”
“Support genuine democracy, support the NDF!”