Mexico: For comrades Sernas and Arnulfo!
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of an article by Solrojista:
On the eve of the mobilization for the International Day of the Detained-Disappeared, various agitation and propaganda actions are being carried out in Mexico City and the City of Rebel Oaxaca.
Hundreds of posters are being put up on the walls of universities, institutions and public buildings with the face and name of Dr. Ernesto Sernas García. Those who made him disappear thought they would never see him again, and now Comrade Sernas is relentlessly pursuing them, just like his relentless criticism.

Alongside this, the posters for comrade Arnulfo García Santos, imprisoned in the Miahuatlán prison, Oaxaca, demand his freedom.

Our democratic organization has outlined the slogan for this August 30th: Flood the streets and squares with red flags!
We will fulfill the order!
Ernesto Sernas García, alive presentation!
Free Arnulfo Garcia Santos!
Stop the war against the people and state terrorism!