Brazil: The First Committee to Boycott the Electoral Farce is born!
We publish an unofficial translation of the article by A Nova Democracia on the creation of this new Committee to Boycott the Electoral Farce in Rio de Janeiro.
More than 15 activists, supporters of the newspaper A Nova Democracia (AND), created the new Committee to Boycott the Electoral force, 2024. Such event takes place after a political formation curse entitled “Marxism and electoral farce”, conducted by the general director of AND supported by the Cultural Collective promoted by the newspaper.
In addition to consolidate the boycott activities in the city, the activists highlight that this Committee is only one of several other initiatives of electoral boycott that must take place throughout the city, in every neighborhood and work and study places.
The conformation of the Committee to Boycott the Electoral Farce was proposed by the Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the Rights of the People (FRDDP) and, by the decision of the activists who were present, will be seasonal (only during the electoral period). The Committee will fulfill the objective to “promote the electoral boycott to unmask the electoral farce, the class character of the bourgeois democracy as dictatorship against the popular masses” and “to spread the Agrarian Revolution, the League of the Poor Peasants, the news forms of practicing the popular democracy done in the peasant areas and all the ways of the peasant struggle against latifundium”.
The first activities are already set and will be on propaganda activities of the electoral boycott, but will “point out the necessity of the New Democratic Revolution, which first stage is the Agrarian Revolution in the countryside”, and, in the city, the propaganda will be “on the necessity to spur the people’s protests, the people’s rebellion, to support the struggle in the countryside, preventing the isolation and, at the same time, spreading among the urban fighters the centrality of the agrarian question”.