Mexico: Weekly Newsletter
We publish an unofficial translation of the part on Mexico of the Weekly Newsletter by Sol Rojo Mexico.
On August 30th the International Day of the Detained-Disappeared was commemorated. It is an important day that was commemorated in different countries of the world and has a powerfull meaning. As well in Mexico, because since the beginning of the “dirty war” in the 60s until the present days the country has more than 116.000 cases of forced disappearances and disappearances committed by “individuals”, most of them have the State complicity and permission. So the mobilizations in our country are vigorous and combative, even more when done by the decent part of the people’s movement and the seeking mothers, who have not kneed before the regime. Some of the more representative mobilizations are the joint ones done by the Zapatist Indigenous Agrarian Movement (MAIZ), Current of the People – Red Sun (CP – Red Sun) and the collectives of seeking mothers that have done at least four coordinated mobilizations in the State of Oaxaca: two marches in the City of Resistance, which arrived simultaneously to the main square (Zócalo), the seizure of the Huizto House and the roadblock of the federal highway in Huajupan de León. For their side, the comrades of the Supreme Indigenous Council of Michoacán (CSIM) made six simultaneously roadblocks in different areas of the entity. The students of the Rural Teachers School “Raúl Isidro Burgos” of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, together with the parents of the 43 and similar organizations marched in Chilpancingo, Gro, remembering that next September 26 will mark 10 years since the forces disappearance of the 43 teachers. There were also important demonstrations in cities such as Nuevo Laredo, Guadalajara, Xalapa, Mexico City and other important areas of the country. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner in Mexico submitted a message to the Mexican State… ”especially to the elected authorities, be it federal or state, to adopt a powerful agenda that protects all people against disappearance and to impulse the solutions that the victims and their relatives disserve”. The message has a decalogue of actions that the Mexican State should implement. In short time we will share to our readers the report of actions that we made on the demand for the releasing of our comrades Sergio Rivera Hernández and Ernesto Sernas García. Because they took them alive, we want them alive! It was the State!