MFP launches the first number of its magazine, New Aurora!
We are pleased to publish an unofficial translation of the announcement of the first issue of the magazine of the People’s Women’s Movement of Brazil:
With intense satisfaction and revolutionary optimism, the MFP – People’s Women’s Movement, launches the first edition of its magazine New Aurora (Nova Aurora). This is the result of a project we have been working on for some years so that our comrades have in their hands a material for political training that should be widely used in study groups and as training of the people’s women. It is necessary that we participate in political and theoretical battles with a convinced class position against all reactionary distortions that seek to keep women imprisoned in the ancient shackles of the family as an economic cell, of individual and alienating domestic work, and of the narrow perspectives of the four walls of the home. We must also combat, as one side of the same coin, the opportunist conceptions of bourgeois and petty bourgeois feminism that preaches the false idea that it is possible for women to free themselves within the framework of the capitalist system. Women have a world to win, we must break with old conceptions and underestimation and dare to conquer the new world, which can only be conquered with the revolution of the revolutionary classes led by the proletariat. With this objective we present the magazine, to create a Marxist debate with all those who are seriously willing to.
The magazine can be found at various MFP centers throughout Brazil, which will do lectures, debates and the organization of people’s schools due to the launch of the magazine for the study of the articles. Following is the index with the titles of the articles. We will bring you more news soon!
Sandra Lima: the integrity of a proletarian revolutionary
INTERNATIONAL SITUATION: General crisis of imperialism, wars and revolution
Umm Saad – the portrait of the heroism of the Palestinian mother
Only with the mobilization and REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE of the masses will there be a Democratic Revolution
‘The revolutionary peasant war will shake all Brazil’ – Interview with a leader of the League of Poor Peasants (LCP)
Women in the Indian Revolution
“Afraid of nothing, never falls” – Long live the 52 years of the heroic and immortal Araguaia Guerrilla!
Combat rape and all sexual violence against women and children as part of the destruction of this old order of exploitation and oppression
Marxist critique of the false radicalism and opportunism of petty bourgeois “radical” feminism
“Postmodernism” and feminism: Individualism and bourgeois relativism in the service of imperialism

Awaken the revolutionary fury of women!