Increasing rejection of the electoral farce in Brazil
Featured image: discussion at the UECE (State University of Ceará) organized by the Boycott Committee to the Electoral Farce. Source: A Nova Democracia (AND).
More and more parts of the Brazilian population are expressing their rejection to the electoral farce, not just towards specific parties, but to the system of the ruling classes as a whole. Also, there are more and more workers and peasants welcoming leaflets against the elections and attending events on the electoral boycott. The people is increasingly expressing its rejection in several ways and many times they are unmasking the lies of politicians which represent the ruling classes. AND has recently reported that in the periphery of Itaperuna, Northwestern Rio de Janeiro State, residents of a neighborhood carried out a demonstration to demand justice and to condemn the murder of a 16-year-old teenager by the Military Police (MP). The PT-candidate for governor, Adilson Ribeiro, attended the mobilization but he was immediately rejected and expelled. This candidate wrote in his personal blog that the murdered teenager died in a exchange of gunshots. But the truth is that the teenager was murdered in cold blood by the MP.
Moreover Brazilian activists continued their activities against the electoral farce. In Porto Velho, Rondônia, activists from the Support Committee to the Newspaper A Nova Democracia carried out several brigades between the months of July and September to sell and distribute editions of the newspaper. The activists received the support from the people, and there were residents who expressed their joy and that they were happy to see media which supports the people. Other residents expressed their satisfaction to see that AND was people’s press and not from any electoral political Party.
Between 11th and 12th of September students of Fortaleza distributed leaflets at the UFC (Federal University of Ceará) and at the UECE. The distributed text expressed the denounce of “not only the bourgeois character of the State, but also the ‘left’ governments and the raise of the far-right, ending the document with a call to conscious boycott and affirming the necessity of a Democratic Revolution in the country”. In the leaflet there was a call also to attend the discussion of the electoral farce which was carried out on 13th of September at the UECE. The leaflets were welcomed by the students which even encouraged to continue the initiative. The discussion on 13th of September was organized by the Boycott Committee to the Electoral Farce. The people’s struggle outside the parliament was highlighted; the advance of fascism as a world problem was exposed, as well as the responsibility of the false left regarding this issue. The people’s struggle and the mobilization by the revolutionary democrats as the only solution to that problem were highlighted.
This role of the false left, which in Brazil is represented among others by the PT-Luiz-Inácio-government, is being increasingly unmasked, since there are more and more sectors of the people who reject this betraying role. As we reported, recently an indigenous peasant leader openly criticized Luiz Inácio in a public event. All of this expresses the increasing discredit of the social-democracy and the opportunists.