Denmark: Anti-Imperialist Action’s Program of Principles

We hereby publish an unofficial translation of an article published by Roede Fane.

We have received information that Anti-imperialist Collective has changed its name to Anti-Imperialist Action and has adopted the following program of principles.

Anti-imperialist Action can be contacted at the following email addresses:




We share the program below:

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Anti-imperialist Action Program of Principles

Anti-imperialist Action is a national organization consisting of revolutionary activists based on the following political principles:

– We struggle to organize the masses against capitalism and the imperialist system, in the service of the entire working class in Denmark and the rest of the world. We uphold the Marxist principle: It is right to rebel! We firmly believe that it is the people, and only the people, who are the driving force in the creation of world history.

– We reject every form of opportunism. Bourgeois Parties, labor aristocratic pampering and revisionist organizations riding on the backs of the masses is something we condemn in the highest terms. Instead, we support the struggle for the creation of real proletarian organizations that serve the historic task of reconstituting the Communist Party of Denmark on a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist basis. In this connection, we also reject all forms of parliamentarianism and we agitate for an active election boycott.

– We reject Danish imperialism, which has committed countless crimes in several different countries, and all other imperialist powers and superpowers that plunder and wage imperialist wars against the oppressed nations. We consider the EU and NATO to be tools of the imperialists and therefore also believe that they must be crushed.

– We support the total independence of Greenland and the Faroe Islands from Danish imperialism, which has exploited the countries for several centuries. We will struggle for the countries to cease being colonial, and we oppose the colonial policy that Danish imperialism is pursuing in Greenland and the Faroe Islands. In doing so, we also support the struggle leading towards the Democratic Revolutions in each of those countries.

– We defend all anti-imperialist struggles and support the right of an oppressed people to choose their own way of struggling.

– We oppose the destruction of the natural environment and we struggle against imperialist mega-projects that destroy peasants and the traditional habitats of indigenous peoples, and against all types of oppression of indigenous peoples.

– We see ourselves as part of the international working class and worldwide revolutionary people’s movement. We therefore support every just struggle against imperialism, whether it is wars of national liberation, democratic revolutions or socialist revolutions. We especially consider the Communist Parties leading the People’s Wars in Peru, Turkey, India and the Philippines to be shining torches and examples worth following in order to make a revolution. We are doing everything we can to defend these anti-imperialist struggles, and we struggle against the bourgeois propaganda surrounding those who try to vilify them.

– We struggle against all forms of fascism, revisionism, racism, feudalism, corporativism, chauvinism and any discrimination based on ethnicity, skin color, religion, sexuality or gender.

– We struggle against the chauvinism of Danish imperialism, which especially attacks workers from oppressed nations. We condemn police violence against proletarian youth and migrant workers in particular. We struggle against Islamophobia and other religious persecution, and defend the right to believe, as well as the right to do not believe.

– We struggle for a red class line in the women’s movement and raise Proletarian Feminism in the struggle against patriarchy. At the same time, we reject imperialist feminism and all types of identity politics and postmodernism. We raise the slogan: “The woman carries half of the sky – and she must also conquer it!”. We understand the struggle for women’s real liberation as inseparable from the struggle against imperialism, which is why we also raise the slogan: “Against imperialism and patriarchy!”.

Anyone who can agree with these principles is welcome to struggle with us against imperialism and for the working class.

Anti-imperialist Action

September, 2024

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