India: Press Release of Nazariya Magazine
We publish a press note received by mail.

On 23rd September 2024, for the Press Release of Issue 4 of our magazine titled “Stop War on the People in Bastar”, Nazariya Magazine held a press conference in Press Club of India, New Delhi.
Damodar Turi (anti-displacement activist and convener of Visthapan Virodhi Jan Vikas Andolan ) addressed the role of displacement, corporatisation and militarisation. Resource rich areas like Orissa, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar have a long history of displacement dating back to the British Raj. Jal-jangal-Jameen is being stolen for big dams, corporates, industries and people living there have had to migrate to big metropolitan cities where the women are highly exploited. In the name of development, there is no advancement in the lives of the adivasis. While money is pumped into the development of industries, people in these regions do not have access to basic amenities like health, education and cleanliness. This model of develop
ment of the state cannot provide subsistence to the poor people and on the other hand cannot give employment to people with highly qualified degrees from big universities. As long as Brahmanism and casteism survive we will be promoting imperialism, feudalism, capitalism- i.e. the interests of big corporate houses.
Professor Sachin N (executive member of Delhi University Teachers’ Association and member of CTF) spoke of the importance of language and the weaponisation of terms such as “urban naxal” to attack all, even parliamentary forms of dissent. He clarified that such terms were used by the state to create a moral, higher purpose as to why they kill and repress. Professor Sachin congratulated Nazariya on its issue on the War of the State on the People of Bastar and emphasised how the strong stance taken by Nazariya ought to be celebrated as it spoke to essence of our freedom to speak, express and debate.
K. Murali (acclaimed Maoist intellectual) discussed the latest round of encirclement and suppression of the Maoist movement through an audio message. Operation Kagaar, translating loosely into “final solution”, is an attack on the Maoist movement by the reactionary state. He talked about the targeted genocide of Adivasis by the paramilitary, through tactics of oppression and war such as fake encounters, rapes, taking over of lands for industrial loot and militarisation. He upheld the struggle of Naxalbari and upheld that the movement would not die as long as the contradictions persist, saying that all democratic and progressive individuals must support the movement for a truly egalitarian society.