Mexico: Statement for Ayotzinapa, 10 years without truth or justice.
We share an unofficial translation of a statement from Sol Rojo Mexico.
Proletarians and oppressed peoples of the world, unite!
“We still sing, we still demand
we still dream, we still wait.
Despite the blows
that struck in our lives,
the idea of hate
banishing to oblivion
our loved ones.”
To the parents of the 43 missing teacher students.
To the student community of the Rural Teachers’ School “Raúl Isidro Burgos” of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero.
To the comrades of the Federation of Socialist Peasant Students of Mexico (FECSM).
To the democratic and revolutionary organizations.
Ten years have passed since the attack, the barbarism, and the insolence that took the lives of three young teacher students from Ayotzinapa and disappeared 43 others. On the night of September 26 and the morning of September 27, the three levels of government colluded with organized crime (as has always happened) and showed the true bloody face of the old state, then represented by the fascist Enrique Peña Nieto (PRI) and still today by the opportunist Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Morena). Soon a woman named Claudia Sheinbaum (also from Morena) will come, and it will be confirmed again what we have said before: it does not matter that the old State changes its management or its government, it does not matter that another party or character is in power, it does not matter at all that starting October 1 a woman will be the new president of the republic. As long as the State keeps its big landlord-bureaucratic character, as long as it is subordinated to imperialism, as long as its main task is to sustain oppression, deprivation, and exploitation through violence against the working people, everything will remain the same. That is why we say: Whoever governs, the rights of the people must be defended!
But we have not come before you to talk about the regime; we do not expect anything from it and its bureaucratic path, it must be swept away and that’s it. We have come, instead, to shake your hand again, not in a gesture of bourgeois diplomacy, but as class brothers and sisters, with class solidarity. We have come to reaffirm our militant solidarity with each one of you and each one of the boys, wherever they are, because you have done the same with us, with our struggle for truth and justice, with our demand for the alive presentation of our comrade Dr. Ernesto Sernas García, who disappeared by the regime on May 10, 2018 in San Agustín de las Juntas, Oaxaca
Since that September of 2014, our organization decided to accompany the demands of the parents and mothers, of the young teacher students, and of their revolutionary organization; but it is since May 2018 that our struggles have merged into one. Just like with the collectives of mothers and searching families in this country that denies its disappeared, but which already number more than 116,000, including the names of the 43 teacher students from Ayotzinapa and Dr. Sernas García. That is why in all our activities and in all the struggle days where we participate, we, the SolRojistas, energetically shout: ¡Vivos se los llevaron, vivos los queremos! (They took them alive, we want them alive!; translator’s note)
Like you, the SolRojistas believe that neither the so-called ‘judicial reform’ nor the intensification of militarization in the country represent any ‘progressive’ change or any hope for the working class and the peoples of Anáhuac. We maintain that the three powers of the old State are rotten and outdated; we assert that the army, the air force, the navy, and now also the National Guard are military institutions stained with the blood of the people. History dictates this, and these ten years of impunity, without truth or justice for Ayotzinapa, confirm it.
from the trenches where we struggle, we do so with fortitude, with consistency, and without wavering; we do so without half-measures, denouncing the old State, its governments, and its parties for what they are: enemies of the people.
With our red flags held high, we once again salute the exemplary struggle that you, as parents, as a student community, and as a revolutionary organization, uphold against the current. We reaffirm to you our commitment to an anti-electoral, anti-capitalist, and anti-imperialist struggle, firmly raising the tasks of the New Democracy Revolution, struggling for land and national liberation.
Ten years after this State crime:
Neither forgive nor forgot!
Because they took them alive, we want them alive!
Comrades fallen in combat, they will be avenged in combat!
Ayotzinapa lives, the struggle continues!
They want to eliminate the rural teacher schools,
we will defend them with struggle and blood!
Let the workers govern the fatherland!
With the Red Sun, the people will win!
Anáhuac, Mexico, September 26, 2024