Millions take to the streets all over the world to protest the murder of Hassan Nasrallah
Featured image: US embassy security forces in Iraq surrounded by protesters. Source: Mehr News
Israel continues bombing Lebanon. The Lebanese Ministry of Health reported that 33 people were murdered and 195 were injured as a result of the attacks on Saturday. It has also stated that since the middle of September, Israel has murdered 1,030 people in Lebanon. There is also an estimated number of 1 million Lebanese people displaced.
While Israel states that the attacks are very precise and directed against Hezbollah, the reality shows a very different situation: Palestine Chronicle has revealed that so far there are 11 medical workers murdered by Israel in Lebanon, a number that might increase soon. Additionally, the death-toll is also significantly increasing among children, proving once more how criminal this aggression by Israel is. Today, a representative from UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund)-Lebanon stated to France24: “We are really seeing a mounting death toll among children and we believe that this may be higher, given that many children and their families remain under the rubble in different parts of the country. The bombardments continued again last night and since Friday, we have seen an escalation in the conflict around Beirut, especially in the southern suburbs.” In this horrendous crimes by Israel, US is as much as guilty as Israel, since they provide the bombs used against the Lebanese population. For example it has been known that the 1-ton bombs used on the southern suburbs from Beirut come from a US large military assistance program.
On the other hand, the State of Israel continues to spill more blood of the peoples in the Middle East. Yesterday, an US official stated to US press monopolies that Israel is preparing for a limited ground incursion into Lebanon.
After the murder of the General Secretary of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, Lebanon has stated three days of mourning for him, which will start on Monday. In many parts of the world the masses have taken to the streets and protested this vil crime. We hereby share some of those protests:
In Ramallah, West Bank, a great march was carried out waiving flags of Yemen, Lebanon, Palestine and Hezbollah:
In Iraq the masses expressed their anger by trying to storm the US Embassy:
The lackey government made a mass deployment of troops to prevent the assault.
In Kut, there was a symbolic funeral for Hassan Nasrallah:
Thousands also took to the streets in Basra:
In Iran there have been many mobilizations of all kinds gathering thousands of people. In Tehran:
In Qom the students and scholars protested the murder of Hassan Nasrallah:
Also in Ardebil:
In Jordan there have been also more mobilizations:
Also in Hayderabad, India, thousands of Muslims took to the streets:
Several mobilizations are recorded in Turkey. Some of them on the streets of Istanbul:
Also a mass protest in front of the Israeli Embassy:
In Pakistan tens of thousands are flooding the streets protesting the murder of Hassan Nasrallah. One of the mobilizations was in Skardu:
Other one was in Parachinar:
In Nigeria a protest condemned the murder of Nasrallah and the atrocities by Israel against Gaza and Lebanon:
Thousands took to the streets in Barcelona, Spanish State to support Palestine and condemn the attacks on Gaza and Lebanon:
Germany again expressed its reactionary character by harshly repressing demonstrators in Berlin who were protesting the attacks on Lebanon:
Australia has witnessed several mobilizations in Sidney:
In Toronto, Canada, a huge march was carried out to protest the murder of Hassan Nasrallah: