Mexico: Weekly newsletter
We share an excerpt of the last article from Sol Rojo.
On October 1st Claudia Sheinbaum Pard, member of Morena and strongly linked with the technocracy and the criminal Zionism – which was notorious since she was chief of the Tlalpan delegation and then chief of the government of City of Mexico – assumed the charge of president of the republic. But beyond her oath and the handshaking that is usual in Mexican presidentialism, we must understand what is next for our country. Here we share some of the key facts for the next analysis of the democratic-revolutionary movement.
First. – Sheinbaum was clear by offering the continuity of the model impulsed by the opportunist of AMLO, and this must be analyzed together with the counter-insurgent use that have in its core the aid programs that have resulted in co-opting and demobilization of wide sectors of the movement and the working people, facts that will continue to be supported in practice by revisionism and reformism, and it must not be forgotten the executive and legislative power to impose new counter-reforms (corporativization).
Second. – In this moment, the lasts counter-reforms approved during AMLO term, as the judicial one or on the national guard, lead to the strengthening and higher reactionarization of the regime that leads to a higher political centralization where the main decisions are taken to guarantee its fulfillment and protecting the imperialist investment and the interest of the big bourgeoisie and latifundium. Those are now sacred with the announced “shared prosperity”, named by the World Bank (militarization).
Third. – the sum of these two phenomena (corporativization and militarization) always leads to the same result, which during the history was proven as correct when opportunism, reformism or social-democracy take the management of the old State: the ascension of fascism to power. Reaction has not give up in its plan, based in three tasks: restructure the old State, impulse bureaucratic capitalism, and to drawn in blood and fire the rebellion of the masses before its rising.
Without a doubt, mobilizations as today, where sectors of the people’s movement as CNTE, FECSM and other organizations who have participated showing their position on this respect, they announce that, despite the corporativism and militarization, the class struggle continues and there are democratic-revolutionary organizations who are willing to sharpen it.
Whoever governs, the rights of the people must be defended!