Sister of A Nova Democracia Editorial Advisor is murdered in Gaza
We share an unofficial translation of the article of A Nova Democracia.
On Wednesday, 9th of October, the Zionist State of Israel murdered Palestinian doctor Soma Baroud, sister of Ramzy Baroud, editorial advisor of AND. She was murdered, along with six other people, when her taxi was bombed in Bani Suheila, Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip.
Ramzy Baroud highlights that his sister was “a gentle soul, a great mother and a very loving sister” and that she was part of “a generation of women doctors who revolutionized medicine in the Gaza Strip”.
Acting as a doctor, Soma cured many people in Gaza, never charging for medical services provided to the poorest and, until the last day of her life, “maintained her principles, her love, her kindness and her patience, even when Israel bombed her house a few weeks ago,” said Ramzy.
AND counselor reports that his sister was the leader of her family and played the role of her mother, who had died young.
In August, the Zionist occupation in Gaza destroyed, by aerial bombardment, the home of doctor Soma Baroud, located in the city of Khan Younis, in the south of the Gaza Strip. At the time, Soma Baroud and her son, Yazan, denounced the Zionist crime in two texts, published on the Palestine Chronicle portal. She highlighted that there were “three decades of life, of memories, of achievements”, and “everything turned into rubble”.
Soma’s murder is part of the Zionist genocide in the Gaza Strip, whose milestones exceed more than 42.000 Palestinians dead, 11,000 missing and 97,000 injured. His death, as well as all the crimes committed by Israel, will be answered by the actions of the Palestinian National Resistance in its just fight for its national liberation.