Mexico: Weekly Newsletter
Hereby we publish an unofficial translation of the section on Mexico of the Weekly Newsletter:
Although the so-called 4T wants to deny it, the oppression and repression against the people continues, and in the face of this , It is right to rebel!
In Chihuahua, students of the “Ricardo Flores Magón” Rural Normal School, in Saucillo, have been on strike for 13 days after taking over the facilities of the Normal School on November 19 in rejection of the repression and administrative harassment exercised against them by the institution’s management staff; the comrades have also carried out mobilizations and occupations of facilities of Educational Services and the State Education Secretariat, demanding the dismissal of Patricia Chávez (Director), Araceli Urita (Deputy Director) and José Elías de León (Administrator).
In Oaxaca, after the successful holding of the 2nd National Meeting of Collectivities for New Democracy , on November 28, the press offices of the Current of the People – Red Sun were attacked by unknown subjects who stole video cameras and destroyed the access locks to the building. The events were immediately denounced, generating a broad solidarity campaign by various organizations condemning this aggression.
In Chiapas, the “Guadalupana Race for Peace” was held in San Cristóbal de las Casas, an initiative promoted by Father Marcelo Pérez , who was murdered by an armed commando 40 days ago, just after the priest and other parishioners denounced the increase in reactionary violence in the entity; more than 200 people participated in the race, taking up the demand for justice for the priest and all the victims of this criminal violence. Right there, in Chiapas, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) has announced the dates for the International Meetings of Rebellions and Resistances , from December 26 to January 2; as we recall, these Meetings had been suspended due to the increase in reactionary violence in the entity.
In Guerrero, a tribute was paid to Commander Lucio Cabañas Barrientos, founder of the Partido de los Pobres (Poor Peoples Party) and the Brigada Campesina de Ajusticiamiento (Peasents Brigades for Executing), who fell in combat on December 2, 1974. To mark the 50th anniversary, activists and former guerrillas from various armed groups of those years met in El Otatal, on the Costa Grande; other similar events have taken place in various places in the entity and the country.
The class struggle is still alive!
Whoever governs, the rights of the people must be defended!