Report on anti-imperialist work done in Colombia
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of a report that we have received.
Anti-imperialists of the world, unite!
Fraternal and internationalist greetings!
From Colombia, as revolutionaries and anti-imperialists, we want to present a brief report of the work we have done during this year, 2024, as part of the momentum of the Anti-Imperialist League (AIL) in our country.
In the first place, we have actively promoted the wide dissemination and study of the different documents published by the Organizing Committee of the AIL: the appeal of the Founding Committee of the Anti-Imperialist League to the public opinion, the program and process document, the document of ideological-political content, the declarations issued and the different campaigns promoted. This dissemination of the documents of the AIL has been carried out in universities, in street demonstrations and in broad events of regional and national character. We have also shared these documents directly with organizations and activists with an anti-imperialist policy to encourage their study and subsequent debate. As a result of our own study of the documents we have been analyzing and discussing our understanding of them and formulating comments and proposals for their strengthening, which we will send to our comrades of the Organizing Committee.
Secondly, we have maintained active the internationalist and anti-imperialist mobilization in the country. During the month of July, in coordination with other organizations in the country and at the initiative of Chilean student organizations, we promoted the continental day of protest against Yankee imperialism. In this successful day of protest, which in Colombia took place in Medellin and Bogota, various activities were carried out such as a rally, slogans were waved, leaflets distributed, posters pasted, a burning of Yankee and Israeli flags took place and a video was recorded in solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people and their heroic resistance against the ongoing genocide. In the course of this activity, the appeal to the public opinion published by the Organizing Committee of the AIL was distributed. In addition, in the mobilizations of 1st of May, March 8, November 25 and in the multiple student marches carried out during the second semester of the year, the Palestinian flag was raised and we worked to imprint an anti-imperialist and internationalist character to these days.
Thirdly, we organized two important anti-imperialist events, one open and the other private, with invitations to working, peasant, housing, student and popular organizations from different regions of the country. The broad event consisted of an open forum entitled: “Imperialism: validity of a censored reality”, where various presentations addressed the need to resume discussions on imperialism today, the importance of recovering the anti-imperialist character of the popular movement and the call for unity of the anti-imperialists at national and international level. This event also contributed to the objective of agitating and widely propagandizing the AIL’s initiative, by publicly informing about its construction process, displaying its banner and disseminating its documents.
Subsequently, a private event was held, which consisted of a discussion among independent organizations and activists, coming from four departments of the country and a neighboring country, on the foundations and the way to realize an anti-imperialist and popular unity in Colombia and in the world. Specifically on the level of unity at the international level, there was a presentation and discussion on the initiative of the AIL, doubts were clarified to the participants and a call was made to all those sectors interested in international anti-imperialist unity to study the public documents of the Organizing Committee and work together for the realization of the founding international conference of the AIL. On the matter of unity at the national level, it was agreed to work together to build a front that contributes to the impulse of the struggle for the rights of the people and to imprint an anti-imperialist, class-based, militant and independent character to the popular movement and in particular to the diverse local struggles that we promote from the regions in which each participant works, unified in the slogan: whoever governs, the rights of the people are defended! A work agenda was built for the coming months with the objective that in 2025 the foundation of this new popular and anti-imperialist front in Colombia will take shape. Both events constitute an important advance for the unity of the anti-imperialist sectors in the country, inspired and mobilized by the call of the Organizing Committee of the AIL.
Fourthly and finally, we have joined through concrete actions to the various campaigns promoted by the Organizing Committee of the AIL and by the revolutionaries of the world, such as the campaign against Operation Kagaar in India, the campaign against the evictions of the 17th of the “Toma 17 de Mayo” in Chile, the solidarity with the Spanish people after the DANA in Valencia and the international day of actions in the framework of the commemoration of the first year of the Al-Aqsa-Flood Operation and the firm support to the Palestinian National Resistance, among other campaigns promoted.
Thus, in Colombia we revolutionaries and anti-imperialists are fulfilling our journey, working with determination for the unity of the anti-imperialists. A year ago we opened the doors of our country to revolutionaries and anti-imperialists of the world in the framework of the commemoration of the 130th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao Tse-tung – who was a great example of consistent anti-imperialism and profound proletarian internationalism. At that grandiose event we committed ourselves, together with the other participants, to work to build an authentic international anti-imperialist organization that would unite the anti-imperialist forces in the world and unite our isolated efforts against this common enemy of the peoples. One year later we continue to take steps forward in that direction, getting closer and closer to our objectives and that is why we announce, with proletarian pride, that in Colombia there are forces that will actively participate in the upcoming founding conference of the AIL, embracing the powerful slogans established by the Organizing Committee:
Let us unite the struggles of the international proletariat, the oppressed peoples and the oppressed nations to wipe imperialism and its henchmen off the face of the earth!
Against imperialist wars of aggression, unjust wars, fascism and all forms of reaction: Let us build the Anti-Imperialist League!
Sincerely yours,
The AIL Promotion Committee in Colombia