AND Editorial – After extorting the government, the ‘centrão’ wants his death
We hereby share an unofficial translation of the past Editorial published by A Nova Democracia.
The event organized by the current government on this 8th of January already showed its failure from its preparations. The presidents of the Chamber of Deputies and the federal Senate were absent, as were the parliamentarians most considered to be their successors; as for the government, at least six ministers have not confirmed their presence since the beginning of the preparations. Right-wing forces, inside and outside the government, are advancing in an attempt to politically isolate the PT, which heads the government, ahead of the elections of 2026; for them, it is not worthy giving political capital to Luiz Inácio by feeding this false polarization “democracy/PT versus fascism/Bolsonarism”, already in the ongoing preparations for the next election. Even more considering that the traditional right, as the legitimate representative of the local ruling classes, has a great chance of winning associated with “moderate Bolsonarism” that electorally neutralizes the most radical far right and captures its social base.
We are entering in a new cyclical political dynamic: the government is forced to hand over increasingly larger portions of the budget and political agenda to the kidnappers of the Bolsonarist and pro-big landlord “centrão”, in exchange for carrying out some cosmetic or urgent measures for the reaction. The government will be openly attacked by the same kidnappers, who now have an interest in the very death of it, so that it opens the way for the traditional right combined with “moderate Bolsonarism”. It is the return of Bolsonarism.
Speaking of those, according to journalists from the press monopolies, the PT government evaluates that it will be necessary to “further extend the broad front” to 2026: this would have been Luiz Inácio’s conclusion. The assessment is that Bolsonarism tends to gain an absolute majority in the Senate, with which the far right intends to move forward in constraining the functioning of the supreme court and which, ultimately, has the goal of leading to the rehabilitation of Bolsonaro’s political rights. Faced with this, the false left would have to support right-wing governors and senators who commit to not join Bolsonaro.
It will be a repetition, in the future, of the mistake that is being made in the present: there is abundant evidence that the policy of class conciliation in general, and of alliances with the “centrão”, that is, of betrayal of the people, in particular, results in a resounding failure. There are several reasons, but the fundamental one is that both the “centrão” and Bolsonarism are distinct derivations, in the political sphere, of the same social base, namely, the feudal concentration of land and the servile relations in the countryside that still exist today, not only as heirs of the horrifying slavery of black people and genocide of indigenous peoples that marks the founding of this country, but also for its reproduction through the evolution of its forms even now. An entire system of ideological and cultural normalization of the dehumanization of the impoverished masses was built in this old society based on these new forms, and therefore the impoverished masses are believed to don’t need any rights. Bolsonarism and the right that they call “centrão”, the servants of municipal and regional oligarchies, agree on this basis. This is why they do not differ, not even by a comma, that the solution to the agrarian-peasant question and to end the struggle for land is: first, maximum police repression and, ultimately, massacres and genocide; are also identical in the opinion that the solution to the problem of poverty in overpopulated metropolises and subsequent crime is, firstly, the more or less indiscriminate and mass imprisonment and, secondly, the massacres and genocide of the poor and black, mainly young people.
As is remarkable, the false left, again and again, is planting the worsening of the deep social crisis, of suffering of the people; and will then intend to present itself as salvation, and thus continue the cycle of deception. But with each cycle of frustration, it finds the popular masses more aware of their reactionary game, and sooner than later, they will have an answer.
It is necessary to polarize, in the political dispute and in the consciousness of the masses, the true main contradiction in the political sphere: the revolutionary struggle for land, on the one hand, and the paramilitary groups armed by the latifundium and Bolsonarism, in which the “green chickens”, military police officers, retired Armed Forces members or civilians trained in “shooting clubs” are organized and indoctrinated by the far-right anti-communist in that the solution for the country is a fascist regime resulting from a military coup. There are hundreds of these groups, which are the spearhead of illegal repossessions carried out jointly by military police troops and these far right-wing paramilitary bands (see, for example, the “Invasão Zero”, a legalized fascist movement, and its permanent attack to the poor peasants of Jaqueira/Pernambuco). Well, yes, today, the “goons” are no longer merely mercenaries, but a conjunction of big landlords and their hounds, ideologically convinced that they are also fighting the Return of Communism – the same ones, for whom the regime of governments and the nation directed by the Armed Forces are not enough, and who in 2022, properly encouraged, were fully convinced that it was time to assault the political power and reinstall the military regime in Brazil. These people have not disappeared: they remain increasingly active and organized and with the same opinions, just waiting to return to the national scene, and exercising their strength against the struggle for land. Therefore, it is the struggle for the Agrarian Revolution as the basis of the pending and delayed Democratic Revolution, with which it is possible to forcefully combat the fascists, eliminate their main social base of reproduction which is the latifundium, weaken the fascist and coup cause and, in addition, by advancing step by step, culminate in the liberation of the country from the ruling of imperialism, which is exercised, mainly, through the feudal concentration of land, which sustains and reproduces the bureaucratic capitalism in force here. The poor peasants, by struggling for their land to the end, under proletarian leadership, are destined by historical conditions to be the main force of the democratic revolution to carry out the struggle against fascism, social and national liberation and create the conditions for the complete conformation of the Brazilian Nation and transition to Socialism. Therefore, it is the task of Democrats and progressives to propagandize their struggle on a large scale.