Ecuador: FDLP-EC – The Election Campaign Begins

We hereby publish an unofficial translation of a statement by the FDLP – Ecuador:


The electoral campaign began in the midst of the deepest crisis of bureaucratic capitalism and of the old State dominated by the big bourgeoisie and big landlords. This scenario not only reflects the structural decay of the political and economic system, but also the inability of the ruling classes to resolve inter-bourgeois contradictions by taking them to violent levels.

Noboa is definitely positioning himself as a fascist. A coup d’état has practically been consummated. Typical of fascist regimes, he ignores his own constitution, electoral laws and liberal democratic rights that, with a certain lukewarmness, were imposed and perfected for more than a century. His support comes from the Armed Forces, another monstrosity of the old State, which operates as a criminal organism. These wretches make people disappear, torture them, murder them and incinerate them, as if these were everyday acts. They act as the nerve of a criminal group that, being politically empowered, embodies one of the most grotesque facets of the dictatorship of the ruling classes.

The National Electoral Council, that other useless hovel, lacks relevance even in its formal role within the bourgeois machinery. But even if it were to serve politically, it would still be irrelevant in improving or strengthening the bourgeois democratic regime. Today, more than ever, it is clear that the State, democracy and the political institutions of the country are not at the service of the masses, but of the ruling classes. This democratic theater is nothing more than a facade designed to perpetuate the power of the big bourgeoisie and the big landlords, while the masses are dragged into misery and exploitation.

For us communists, it is irrelevant whether the armed forces, the elections or the government comply with their own laws or not. It makes no difference to us whether there is a coup or not, because we do not defend bourgeois democracy, much less the bureaucratic apparatus of the State or its laws. However, we must use inter-bourgeois contradictions to undermine its credibility and acceptance among the masses. We must take advantage of the crisis of the State and its political institutions to educate the masses, because this situation is a brilliant opportunity for that purpose. The crisis, in its deepest form, exposes the rotten foundations of the old system, and it is in this scenario that we can demonstrate that the masses should not seek solutions within this decadent institutionality.

We do not care if there is a legitimate president or if there are one, two or three vice presidents. It is not the responsibility of the masses to deal with these internal conflicts within the bourgeoisie. It is up to us to process this scenario and this situation in order to understand, disseminate and proclaim the class character that underlies these events and institutions, which in no way serve the strategic and current interests of the great majorities. The only path left to the masses is revolutionary organization, since no change within the current structures will resolve their fundamental problems.

Now, the political actors act like dogs without a collar, like mules without a bridle. They have started, once again, the great electoral pantomime, with campaigns that exhibit violent traits and characteristics. We must not push the masses into that maelstrom, no matter if it is in favor of the fascist Noboa, González or Iza. It is irrelevant. It does not contribute to the masses getting out of the crisis in which they live. We will continue to face unemployment, with an unattainable basic food basket, daily massacres, and armed forces and police involved with the mafias. The Armed Forces have institutionalized selective crime, forced disappearances and massacres, normalizing violent repression as a tool of social control.

Let them destroy each other, let them vomit and piss on each other’s bodies. This should not concern us. Our responsibility is to organize this misery, this discontent, and launch it into the violent and revolutionary popular struggle. Not doing so is a criminal act, comparable to revisionism and opportunism that, in face of elections, made this their reason for life, as is the mandate entrusted to them by imperialism and reaction.

In this context, we cannot ignore that the internal contradictions of the system not only expose its fragility, but also its essentially repressive and anti-popular character. The role of communists is not merely to describe this reality, but to act as organizers of the masses, channeling their discontent into revolutionary action. Only through organized and conscious struggle is it possible to destroy the foundations of this system and build a truly new society, where power is in the hands of the working masses and not the exploiting classes.

People of Ecuador, let us not “buy the story”. You cannot and should not continue to believe in these liars, lazy and corrupt people, nor in their campaigns promises. They are lies! All our lives, since we have been attending electoral processes, they have told us the same thing. We cannot fall for their campaigns messages that are true ambushes of death; for their empty speech, for their electoral verbiage.

If they come to your neighborhood, reject them firmly; express your indignation, because it is the least they deserve. If they come with their signs, to shake your hand in exchange for your vote, throw shit at them, spit on them, stone them, and if possible more, then welcome! It is the least they deserve! It does not matter what color their party is, or if they pretend to be leftists, revolutionaries or saviors of the country. Do not fall into their traps! Fight them with class hatred, that hatred that is brewed with bitterness, pain, tears, misery and hopelessness generated by a democracy and a State that will never operate in the interests of the great majority.

It is time to understand that these politicians do not represent any real solution for the people. Their only function is to perpetuate a system that oppresses and exploits the masses, while they enrich themselves with corruption and the suffering of others. No more lies, no more deception! It is time to build a real change, from and for the working people.



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