Mexico: Report on the 17/8 anniversary of CP – Red Sun

We hereby publish an unofficial translation of a report by Sol Rojo:

On December 26, the Current of the People – Red Sun celebrated 17/8 years of democratic struggle, that is: 17 years of political life in the communities and 8 years of public life. Around 300 comrades from different regions of the state of Oaxaca, as well as from Mexico City, the State of Mexico and Hidalgo met to celebrate this event. And not only the SolRojistas, but also different sister organizations, as well as union comrades who came to give fraternal greetings to our democratic organization.

The event was scheduled as a political-cultural act in the auditorium of the comrades of Section 75 of the Union of Telephone Workers of the Mexican Republic (STRM) who lent their facilities to our organization in a high gesture of class solidarity.

The event began with a speech about the history of our Organization, which highlighted its beginning in the midst of a land seizure in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec back in 2007 and how the process has been since then. During this entire period, the two-line struggle within has been essential, defeating liquidationist positions and sweeping away opportunism. Precisely by developing the two-line struggle within our organization in the midst of the class struggle, we have achieved a higher unity in the ideology of the proletariat, recognizing Maoism as the third, new and higher stage of Marxism, being then Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, mainly Maoism, with the contributions of universal validity of Chairman Gonzalo. This has armed us ideologically, politically and organizationally to continue forward fulfilling our tasks in the midst of the Rectification Campaign that we have undertaken since the second half of 2022.

In our history of struggle we cannot fail to mention Dr. Ernesto Sernas García, who was disappeared by the State on May 10, 2018. The comrade won the freedom and acquittal of our 23 former political prisoners accused of terrorism and carrying explosives for the reserved use of the army. To the comrades on the wall of the fallen: Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino “Commander Gato” murdered by a paramilitary group on April 11, 2019, Jesús Manuel García Martínez “Chu Pau” murdered by an armed commando from the latifundium on October 27, 2022, and Félix Vicente Cruz murdered by a paramilitary group on April 13, 2023. For them we maintain that the Inter-oceanic Corridor plunders and kills poor peasants and indigenous peasants! Along with these, there are the comrades who have also died from natural causes or illness, offering their lives to the revolution. Those who die for life cannot be called dead! We have also remembered our displaced Triqui comrade from San Miguel Copala, Arnulfo García Santos, a political prisoner since last June in the Miahuatlán prison, Oaxaca.

But on this date we celebrate not only the 17/8 years of our Organization, but also the 131st anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao Tse-tung, one of the great international leaders of the proletariat who, with his ideological and political contributions, established a leap forward in the three constituent parts of Marxism. Last year our democratic organization joined the international campaign Unite under Maoism! and we continue to promote it in our daily work.

In addition, the comrades from Periódico Mural presented a photography exhibition on the history of the Mexican Communist Party, as well as its central organ “El Machete” , from which they gave a postcard to each of the attendees. Periódico Mural explained to us how in its time, “El Machete” became an authentic tribune, agitator, educator and collective organizer of the working class and the working people during the first stage of the construction of the Mexican Communist Party, which last November celebrated 105 years since its founding, an event that mobilized a broad campaign of agitation and propaganda among various revolutionary organizations in our country… “Today, Periódico Mural wants to resume the informative and formative experience that “El Machete” coined in Mexico as a newspaper committed to the revolution that this country demands” , said the comrades.

At this event, cultural contributions could not be missed, where the comrades of the Guitar Workshop sang different melodies, including the Hymn The Internationale, followed by peasant dances interpreted by children from the mountains who brandished and made their machetes sound to the beat of regional music, to finally culminate with the comrades of the Youth Brigades of the People who participated with the Jarabe del Valle, closing with a flourish with the traditional “regada” in which they threw sweets and frets to the attendees.

Long live the 17/8 anniversary of our democratic organization!

Let’s build the People’s Front!

Everything is illusory except power!

Let the workers rule the country!

We are the spark that starts the prairie fire!

With the Red Sun the people will win!


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