Brazil – A Nova Democracia faces censorship
A Nova Democracia has reported that it faces censorship by YouTube following its “security measures”. Today, January 15, YouTube decided to shut down without warning the AND channel, just one day after it decided to demonetized it.
In the statement that they have published, A Nova Democracia writes on the possible cases why it was shut down: “According to YouTube, AND violated the “Violent Criminal Organizations policy”, which states that “you may not publish content on YouTube that supports, promotes or assists violent criminal or extremist organizations. These entities may not use YouTube for any purpose, including recruitment.”
For the editorial staff of AND, it is only possible to “assume that YouTube will consider the historic coverage of our tribune on the revolutionary peasant war waged in the corners of Brazil” or coverage of the Palestinian war of national resistance, which has always included the broadcast of videos by the Palestinian National Resistance Front.
Also they highlight in their statement on the international recognition they have won during their long career:
“AND’s YouTube channel was internationally recognized for its daring coverage of police massacres in the favelas (recorded side by side with residents, in the heart of the favelas, and not from helicopters, as in the case of the press monopoly) and in the countryside (such as the 2017 documentary Terra e Sangue, about the Pau D’Arco massacre).
AND was also known worldwide for its coverage of the popular struggle. AND’s videos of the Jornadas of 2013 and 2014 recorded unique moments of the protests exclusively. In addition, AND closely covered several of the favela removals in Rio de Janeiro that took place in preparation for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics. You can still find reproductions of some of this coverage on other channels on YouTube.
Since 2023, AND has taken a leap forward in its audiovisual production, with the implementation of daily news programs to deal with the national and international political situation. That same year, following the launch of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, AND inaugurated the Palestine Watch on October 9, initially as part of A Propósito and then as a separate program. There have been more than 200 editions of Palestine Watch since the two programs were separated.”
Also, they make a call to revolutionary and democratic organizations and individuals to support AND in their battle against repression and to continue their democratic and people’s press work.
You can also economically support mainly through two channels: buying some materials in the Shop of AND, which can be accessed in this link: https://lojadoand.com.br/
The supporters can also make donations in the page “Catarse” which can be accessed by entering in this link: https://www.catarse.me/apoieoand.
As they also say, there will be more ways to support them in the upcoming time. We will continue the coverage.