Germany: The banner of the anti-imperialist front is hoisted at the LLL-Weekend
We share the report publish by Dem Volke Dienen.
The activities for the Lenin-Liebknecht-Luxemburg-Weekend 2025 were conducted jointly by Partizan and Red League throughout a number of events scheduled over the weekend.
On Saturday the event for the presentation of the Anti-imperialist League (AIL) was conducted in the Dersim Culture Community Center. Despite a great number of parallel events there was an encouragingly great mobilization. Particularly among the international comrades the event, which was – just as the previous ones in Leipzig, Hamburg, Cologne and Stuttgart – jointly organized by Partizan and Red League, aroused great interest.

Successful event to present the AIL in the Dersim Culture Community Center
In it, among others, a number of activists from Poland participated, who traveled to Berlin especially for the LLL-Weekend, as well as creative artists from the revolutionary movement from Turkey and many more. In a joint presentation of Partizan and Red League the foundations of the Anti-imperialist League were laid out, discussions held on the current political situation in the world and explanation given on the principles that distinguish the consequent anti-imperialist struggle on the basis of the proletarian world view from the supposed anti-imperialism of other organizations, who themselves claim to be revolutionary, but who do not break fully with imperialism and represent viewpoints of other classes to begin with.
The AIL will be founded as a platform open to all revolutionary organizations and individuals and hence emphasis was laid on the active participation in the discussion on the principles and basis proposed by Turkish, Brazilian, Mexican and Ecuadorian revolutionaries. The event closed after the presentations and the question with applause and joint slogans.

The flag of the campaign for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah flying over the block
The impulse that was given in the presentation surely did not dwindle the next day. On Saturday Partizan and Red League as well as different international participants, such as sympathizers of the Antiimperialist Action Ireland, participated in the demonstration as a joint contingent under the slogan “Forward in the construction of the anti-imperialist front!”. In combative spirit and determined to raise high the flag of the Palestinian resistance the demonstration began.
Obviously the Berlin police has drawn its lessons from previous years and decided to prepare for a new level of confrontation. With the fabricated pretext, that supposedly “unallowed” slogans were shouted, the police stopped the Palestine-Block at the entrance to a side street, were already an ambush of riot police and canine units lay in wait. The police forced their way into the manifestation and attempted to isolate the Palestine-Block as well as the joint contingent from the rest of the demonstration.

Sympathizers of the Antiimperialist Action Ireland joining the march with banners and flags
But just as obviously, their plan did not come to fruition. Many different comrades from different organizations left their original marching order of the LLL-Demonstration and showed active solidarity with the attacked parts of the demonstration. They broke the isolation attempt and together all three attacks of the police were fought back – despite a new level of violence applied by the police, massively deploying pepper spray and batons, even directly aimed at the heads of participants of the demonstration. We are happy to mention in this regard, that the participant of the demonstration who was mentioned by, among others, junge Welt to possibly loose his eyesight, will most likely not have such consequential damage according to the first medical examinations.
The many different forces who jointly fought together at the place of the attack have prevented the police from making the demonstration burst apart, tended to the wounded and closed the ranks were arrests took place. A considerable number of comrades from the “Youth Block” stood in the first rows during this. Despite many wounded and arrested it was achieved to foil this attempt of the police. Even more and better than last year the police was prevented by joint struggle to drive out all those from the demonstration, who hold high the banner of national resistance of the Peoples of Palestine.

The police attempts to blow apart the demonstration are foiled
A whole block in the manifestation of, among others, KGÖ, RJ and KA sheered out of the demonstration, passing the other blocks, in order to reach the place (and later join there) where the police attacked the demonstration. That those comrades for their brave actions had to pay a considerable price is clear for every one to see, who takes a look at the videos and images of the demonstration that exist online. Praise and acknowledgment for this they can be sure of.
The attacks of the police were absolutely unprovoked, took place without any warning, according to a previously established plan. But once again the flag of resistance of the people of Palestine and all oppressed peoples of the world was defended against german imperialism on this day on the streets of Berlin. The police reported of at least 24 wounded officers. In exactly such a struggle the line is drawn between those, who are on the side of those who rule and those, who are with the oppressed. But, and this is even more important and beautiful on such a day, struggle unites.

Despite the attacks, the demonstration was not cowed and continued
The comrades from Avrupa Haber have correctly analyzed: “As there has been no attack and similarly no movement towards the police by the contingent of the demonstration the fact, that the police – solely through the propaganda speeches that were given – became so flustered that they attempted to take away flags and banners, reveals the essence of the german “democracy”. Police attacks, that are every year on the agenda of this demonstration, against fundamental democratic rights, like the freedom of speech, the freedom to gather and the freedom to protest, have become police and state terror.”
In this situation and according to the changing circumstances, like during the LLL-Demonstration 2025, we have to adapt. There, it was possible to glimpse an anti-imperialist front, at least there were mainly anti-imperialists united and this joint active defense of the Palestine-Block led to them being able to continue in den manifestation powerfully and combatively until the end.
The police with their foiled plan craved for revenge and attacked at the end of the demonstration, when many participants were on their way back, individual participants of the march. With their excess of violence though, the police only emphasized, that they were the once who were beaten that day and that those who dared to struggled won and hence in the most beautiful way honored the great Lenin as well as the founders of the Communist Party of Germany, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg.
In this sense, with high spirits, invigorated and confident of victory: Forward in the construction of the anti-imperialist Front!