Mexico: Letter to the fighters of the LLL 2025 march

We hereby share an unofficial translation published on Dem Volke Dienen.

Proletarians and oppressed peoples of the world, unite!

To the fighters of the LLL March

To the German proletariat,

To the revolutionary movement in Germany and the internationalist revolutionaries of all countries,

To our comrades from the Red League and Partizan,

We salute your firmness and attitude in the moment of confrontation with the dogs of German imperialism by defending the annual march in commemoration of the heroes of the international proletariat: the Great Lenin, Luxemburg and Liebknecht. We salute the efforts and progress in the construction of the Anti-imperialist Front. This day the unity of the anti-imperialists was an indelible reality in the streets of Berlin. This street fight will serve to further forge the unity of the true anti-imperialists. We salute all the individuals and organizations that destroyed the fascist dreams of the German police pigs, grandchildren of the tradition of Noske and Nazi-fascism.

We are pleased by the reports of the series of activities that took place this weekend. The presence of contingents from various parts of old Europe at the presentation of the Anti-Imperialist League, jointly organized by the Red League and Partizan, on Saturday is a clear demonstration of Proletarian Internationalism. We greet the comrades from Finland, Poland, Ireland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Turkey and Germany.

The police ambush under the pretext of “illegal slogans” not only demonstrates the advancing fascization of the old German state, but also its weakness. In the past years they have learned that they cannot advance with open attacks and that these will be defeated, this year the revolutionaries showed them that the same applies to their ambush plans. All reactionaries are paper tigers and their failure is an inevitable part of the logic of imperialism. Again and again they break even their own laws to attack democrats, revolutionaries, anti-imperialists and these days especially the defenders of the Palestinian cause. They know well that the anti-imperialist struggle is a threat to their plans to continue and deepen the exploitation of oppressed countries like ours.

So the immediate target of the attacks is not a surprise. The heroic Palestinian National Resistance is a beacon and a pride of all anti-imperialists in the world. Its defense united the honest revolutionaries present there: the Palestinian bloc itself, the Red League, Partizan and various international organizations, the Youth Bloc, the bloc that came from the other side of the march to give support and join the fighting ranks. We underline what the Dem Volke Dienen (Serve the People) report says: That those comrades for their brave actions had to pay a considerable price is clear for every one to see, who takes a look at the videos and images of the demonstration that exist online. Praise and acknowledgment for this they can be sure of. The 31 wounded pigs, about which the reactionary press writes, are a good quota, especially considering the way the two sides fight: the revolutionaries with conviction and firmness, turning their flags into weapons; and the lackeys of the state, who attack armored and armed with batons, tear gas, etc.

The price paid by the people’s fighters includes one comrade who lost consciousness after being beaten, one of at least four who were hospitalized, as well as one more comrade who was at risk of losing his sight and we are happy to hear that they seems likely to recover. Different reports speak of 37 detainees. We wish a quick and complete recovery to all the wounded revolutionaries and demand freedom and acquittal of all those detained. Let us not forget the teachings of Chairman Mao who tells us that it is not bad, but good if the enemy attacks us, as this implies that we are fulfilling our duties and that we have demarcated the fields with the enemy.

The march to commemorate the leaders of the proletariat: the Great Lenin, Luxemburg and Liebknecht, is a march with a long history and there is no more beautiful way to pay tribute to comrades than to unite in struggle. The revolutionaries swept away the plans of isolation of the reaction. They have shown firmness in the legacy of these great comrades and in the struggle for the National Liberation of Palestine, as well as of all the oppressed countries. We share the words with which the comrades of Dem Volke Dienen close their report:

“In this situation and according to the changing circumstances, we have to adapt … it was possible to glimpse an anti-imperialist front, at least there were mainly anti-imperialists united and this joint active defense of the Palestine-Block led to them being able to continue in den manifestation powerfully and combatively until the end. … With their excess of violence though, the police only emphasized, that they were the once who were beaten that day and that those who dared to struggled won and hence in the most beautiful way honored the great Lenin as well as the founders of the Communist Party of Germany, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. In this sense, with high spirits, invigorated and confident of victory: Forward in the construction of the anti-imperialist Front!

Long live proletarian internationalism!

Down with German imperialism!

Lenin, Liebknecht, Luxemburg live in our struggle!

Current of the People – Red Sun

Anahuac (Mexico)

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