CP-Red Sun: Political Declaration of the General Assembly

We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the political declaration of the general assembly of the Current of the People – Red Sun:

Proletarians and oppressed peoples of the world, unite!

Political Declaration of the General Assembly

2025, year of the II. SolRojista Political Congress”

Let’s build the People’s Front!

To the working class and the toilers

To the poor peasantry and the oppressed indigenous peoples

To the youth and women of the people

To democratic organizations and unions

To the people of Anahuac and the world

Gathered at the facilities of the Municipal Community Agency of Santa Rosa Panzacola, in the heart of the City of Resistencia, Oaxaca, – an entity that since 2010 and until today has remained in resistance in defense of its tradition, of the community infrastructure and of the forms of collective organization that characterize our peoples, defying the imposition of authorities and bureaucratic payrolls that cover up the electoral party regime of the old State – the General Assembly of the Current of the People – Red Sun has met with the attendance of 137 delegates representing our structures, generated organisms, commissions, work groups and grassroots communities, etc. coming from different parts in compliance with the statutory mandate of our Democratic Organization.

Our General Assembly has received fraternal greetings from civil society organizations, people’s organizations and unions, as well as internationalist greetings from other parts of the world. Special mention should be made of the comrades from Consorcio Oaxaca, the Pëjy Tyotk Committee (Committee of family and friends searching the defender Sandra Estefana Domínguez), the Oaxacan Movement of Left Democratic Union (MOID), People’s Front June 14 (FP14J), the National Free Union of Social Security Workers (SNLTSS) and Independent Union of Health Workers and Professionals (SITYPS) who accompanied us. In addition, the comrades of the Committee for the Defense of Indigenous Rights (CODEI), National Coordinator of the Ayala Plan – National Movement (CNPA-MN), Defense Committee of the Rights of the People of Oaxaca (CODEPO), People’s Front of la Montaña (FPM – Guerrero), General Assembly of Workers (AGT-CDMx), Cooperative Teozentli Project – People’s Propaganda Collective (PCT-CPP) and the United National Front of Communitarian Higher Education Workers (FUNTTBC) who sent their greetings. And at the international level, greetings from the comrades of the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Nova Egemonia (Italy) and the Peru People’s Movement (MPP), generated organism by the heroic Communist Party of Peru for the work abroad. To all of you we say: Thank you comrades! You can count on the solidarity and support of the SolRojistas, your struggles are our struggles!

This General Assembly has taken place at an important moment in the class struggle and in the internal life of our Democratic Organization, being in the final stretch of our Rectification Campaign that began in the second half of 2022.

From this perspective and based on the scientific ideology of the proletariat, we SolRojistas have carried out an analysis of the current context of the class struggle, paying attention to what is happening on the enemy’s hill, and have carried out an assessment of our work in 2024, placing democratic centralism and the two-line struggle as the center. With this, we have agreed on the General Work Plan for 2025 and the methodological route towards the II. SolRojista Political Congress.

In this sense we consider:

1. The current crisis of relative overproduction of imperialism that began in 2008 has entered into a greater process of acceleration, forcing the superpowers (the USA and Russia) and the various imperialist powers to collude in seeking mechanisms that allow this living dead to breathe with anti-people’s measures such as cuts in public spending, forced unemployment, wage reductions, increases in the cost of living, the plundering of natural resources (including land and water) and the dismantling of rights. When this is no longer enough and inter-imperialist contradictions come into conflict, the war of plunder becomes the order of the day, exposing the true bloodthirsty face of imperialism.

2. Imperialism, being dying capitalism, is warmongering to the core and represents reaction all along the line, for this reason it bets on the militarization of the economy, of industry, of the borders and of the public life of its States, and also in those countries that it keeps subject under colonial and semi-colonial conditions. War is then the continuation of politics by other means, precisely by violence; and the war of plunder is par excellence the institution of imperialism.

3. This is how we should understand Russia’s war against Ukraine. Russian imperialism is an atomic superpower that seeks to recover the areas of influence it lost after the restoration of capitalism in the USSR and its subsequent dissolution, a fact that confirmed the collapse of revisionism. For its part, the Ukrainian regime is an openly fascist puppet that acts in the interests of the reactionary classes that gained power after the Maidan coup d’état (2013-2014), serving Yankee imperialism and NATO to economically and militarily encircle Russia. This war is about to turn 3 years old next February, and although the Ukrainian defeat has been announced from the first shot, Russian imperialism has been worn down by not being able to guarantee a “total” victory against the Kiev regime, having to endure major setbacks such as that of Syria (yet another war on the international stage) where Yankee imperialism has intervened.

4. The war of occupation of that thing called “Israel” against Palestine must be understood in the same way. Yankee imperialism is the only hegemonic superpower in the world and is behind the “Israeli” militarism and colonialism that has kept the Palestinian people oppressed since the Nakba (1948). The partition of the territory of historic Palestine actually represents the illegal occupation of the latter; since then a colonial regime and apartheid have been imposed against an entire people who aspire self-determination and national liberation. The heroic Palestinian people have never stopped struggling and their history of resistance against the occupation has glorious pages of worthy of being written in letters of gold. But it is particularly since the beginning of the brilliant counteroffensive “Al-Aqsa Flood” launched on October 7, 2023 that the struggle for national liberation took a 180° turn, dismantling the myth of “Israel’s invincibility and military superiority”, making it clear that the unjust war must be faced and can be defeated with the just war of all the people, where the main thing is men and not weapons or technology.

5. The horsemen of imperialist war are riding in other geographies, such as Greater Asia, where Yankee imperialism is using its local regimes such as the Philippines, South Korea and Japan with the intention of surrounding Chinese social-imperialism by mounting all kinds of provocations such as military exercises, patrols, commercial or political destabilizations, and even unleashing new viruses so that the Chinese will fire the first cannon shot that justifies the deployment of troops and the extension of the war.

6. Donald Trump is not against this scenario, in fact, he encourages it even though he says that once he takes office for a second term starting on January 20th, he will “resolve the Ukraine and Palestine issue” while arming Kiev and Tel Aviv. He has also declared that he will take Greenland against the will of its people and the sovereignty of Denmark, or that he will regain control of the Panama Canal in violation of the agreement signed between the US and Panama in 1977, or that he will intervene in Mexico to combat “narco-terrorism,” that he will take our lands and natural resources and change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to “the Gulf of America.”

7. In the midst of all this, the continuist government of the self-proclaimed “fourth transformation” is now represented by Claudia Sheinbaum, a technocrat whose ties to criminal Zionism were evident since her time as head of the Mexico City government during the earthquakes of 2017, who today spectacularly presents herself as “the first woman” to occupy the country’s presidency. In this regard, this General Assembly emphasizes: “NOT ALL WOMEN ARRIVED” , the women of the people continue to be trampled by this outdated system and continue to be victims of patriarchal violence, racism and class exploitation.

8. We maintain that this is a continuation and technocratic government for two reasons: 1) From her candidacy to her first acts of government, Sheinbaum has made it clear that she will continue the line drawn by AMLO in economic matters with corporatism (assistance programs of a counterinsurgency nature), imposition of anti-popular policies (mega-projects and works considered strategic for imperialism that do not represent national development) and militarization (of the economy, industry and public life). All that they call “Mexican humanism” represents what the PRIAN governments wanted, but were unable to implement in their “best moments.” 2) Also from her candidacy until now, Sheinbaum has made it clear that she will develop “Shared Prosperity” which is basically a policy drawn up by the World Bank as the financial center of imperialism. This policy is expressed in the saying “as long as the table is full on top, crumbs will fall below”, that is: more of the same that we have suffered for the last 40 years.

9. Furthermore, the “Mexico Plan” deepens the semi-colonial and semi-feudal condition of our country by selling off its natural resources, increasing the concentration of land in a few hands, stripping our territory and subordinating national sovereignty to what the Sheinbaum government calls “an investment portfolio” of up to 277 billion Pesos in two thousand projects that will be protected by the four-transformation military strategy.

10. In addition to this, the war against the people that our country is experiencing is a “non-regular” and not officially recognized war in which the reactionary armed forces (army, navy, air force and national guard), the police forces (ministerial, state and municipal throughout the country), the counterinsurgency paramilitary formations (created by the regime) and the warlords (drug cartels and criminal groups) participate. The dead and missing continue to be caused to the people. In the last three six-year terms (PAN-PRI-MORENA) the official figures for homicides and disappearances reveal this reality: Homicides – FECAL 121,613, EPN 157,158 and AMLO 200,000. A total of 478,771 people murdered. Disappearances: FECAL 17,210, EPN 35,305 and AMLO 51,999. A total of 104,514 missing persons.

11. Added to these are the numbers provided by Mrs. Sheinbaum during the first hundred days of her government: 5,160 people murdered and at least 4,010 people missing. Not bad for a continuist and technocratic government that has just begun its mandate!

12. Corporatization, the imposition of mega-projects and militarization have advanced more with the Morena governments than with the PRIAN governments that sought and were unable to do the same. All this responds to the general plan of the reaction: a) to restructure the old State, b) to re-impulse bureaucratic capitalism, and c) to drown in blood and fire the rebellion of the masses before its birth.

For all the above, this SolRojista General Assembly declares:

I. The war of plunder and fascism are a threat to the life and freedom of the exploited and oppressed throughout the planet. The proletariat and the peoples of the world need to confront imperialism and all the reactionaries who seem powerful, but are actually paper tigers, so it is necessary to work for the construction of the Anti-imperialist Front against fascism and war.

II. In this sense, the Current of the People – Red Sun ratifies its adherence to the Anti-Imperialist League (AIL), of which it is a member, and makes a firm commitment to promote throughout this year 2025 a broad campaign of dissemination and socialization of its call, its program and principles to add new forces of the national struggle to the tasks of the AIL.

III. We salute once again with firmness and determination the heroic Palestinian National Resistance, its martyrs and prisoners, and with them the entire Palestinian people who for 15 months have held high the undefeated Palestinian flag struggling the occupation and genocide with the exemplary war of the entire people for national liberation. We salute the recently achieved truce as a new moral and military victory of the National Resistance over criminal Zionism and imperialism. From the river to the sea, Palestine will win!

IV. In the same vein, this General Assembly salutes the international week of action for the freedom of Comrade Ahmad Sa’adat, General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and of all Palestinian prisoners, including of course Comrade Georges Ibrahim Abdallah who has spent more than 40 years imprisoned in the dungeons of French imperialism on the orders of Yankee imperialism in complicity with criminal Zionism.

V. We salute the People’s Wars in Peru, Turkey, India and the Philippines, the Communist Parties that lead them and the people’s armies that wage them. We especially salute the victories achieved by the guerrilla armies and the people’s masses against the counterinsurgency plans in these countries. We maintain that the only way to defeat the reactionaries and their imperialist masters is to take power through People’s War.

VI. We also salute the 2nd anniversary of the International Communist League (ICL) and all the Communist Parties and organizations that comprise it. We celebrate the campaign for Maoism that has been carried out by the ICL, working hard for the reunification of the international communist movement.

VII. We stand firm against the imposition of imperialist mega-projects of dispossession and death such as the so-called “Maya Train,” the Inter-oceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (CIIT) and its so-called “Development Poles,” including the Hydrogen and Ammonia Plant, with which the regime dismantles social ownership of the land, handing our lands and natural resources over to big landlords and transnational corporations, subjecting our territories to a reactionary civil war where the dead are caused to the people.

VIII. In this sense, we once again denounce the war against the people that the old Mexican State started in the 1960s with the so-called “dirty war” (which was a counterinsurgency war to annihilate the socialist armed movement), and which has continued until today, through the militarization orchestrated by Felipe Calderón and his “war on drugs,” continued by Peña Nieto and López Obrador, who created the National Guard as the 4th reactionary army corps. This war is supported by the current federal administration.

IX. We reject the use of welfare programs (now “constitutional”) and public resources as bargaining chips to keep agrarian communities, neighborhoods, and working-class colonies co-opted and subjugated. The governments of Morena and the “Fourth Transformation” seek to impose threats on working people to access fundamental rights such as health, education, housing, land, work, etc. We maintain that access to these rights does not involve renouncing the right of the people to organize and demonstrate.

X. Based on the above, our General Assembly calls on our bases and the bases of the different generated organisms that compose it to prepare and develop the DAY OF STRUGGLE IN DEFENSE OF THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE, JUSTICE AND FREEDOM, which we will develop starting in March, and continue during the months of April and May of this year 2025.

XI. We also call for the unity of organizations, collectives and unions that, like us, struggle against the imposition of mega-projects, against militarization, against repression and in defense of the rights of the people, such as the demand for justice for the victims of State terrorism. We think that these terrible problems will become even more acute, deepening the contradiction between the regime and the masses, which leads us to consider the need for a United Front.

Finally, this General Assembly of our democratic organization raises its highest recognition to comrade Professor Celedonio Luis Santibáñez, veteran militant of the democratic teachers’ movement, founder of the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE) and of the project of the Classist Current of Education Workers (COCLATE), veteran militant of the revolutionary movement in our country, founder of the Current of the People – Red Sun and notable member of our historical contingent. Comrade Celedonio is today medically unable to be physically among us, but his teachings and theoretical firmness are expressed in this General Assembly with the participation of new generations of democratic-revolutionary fighters who have been formed under his example.

We call upon our organization system and all our activists to learn more from comrade Prof. Celedonio and follow in his footsteps in the defense and construction of our organization.


2025, year of the II SolRojista Political Congress”

Let’s build the People’s Front!

Everything is illusory except power!

We are the spark that starts the prairie fire!

With the Red Sun, the people will win!

Let the workers rule the country!



JANUARY 18, 2024


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