Mexico: Weekly Newsletter
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the Mexico part of the weekly newsletter by Sol Rojo:
On January 26, 124 months have passed since the disappearance of the 43 teacher students from Ayotzinapa, and as every month, the parents of the classmates held a march in Mexico City, this time urging the president of the republic to set up a follow-up table with them as soon as possible. According to what the families say, the federal government offered a meeting during the first days of February, but so far it has not been confirmed, so the march for Ayotzinapa and Mexico raised the demand with the support of different formations of the people’s movement. One of the students’ mothers said: “If they don’t want to see us in the streets, solve our problem. We see more and more people disappearing. It’s horrible to wait for your son and not have him come home. We didn’t ask to be here, they put us there. It’s shameful to have presidents like the ones we’ve had because instead of solving our problems, they make them worse.” So far, the families continue to demand the delivery of 800 pages of confidential information that the army keeps under its control. In other news, the comrades of the Peoples’ Front in Defense of Land and Water of Morelos, Puebla, Tlaxcala, accompanied by the National Indigenous Congress and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) have launched a call for the signatories of the Declaration for Life to join the “Global Day: Justice for Samir Flores Soberanes! 6 years of impunity”, which will take place from February 20 to 23 in the framework of the 6th anniversary of the murder of activist Samir Flores Soberanes.
At the same time, in Mexico City, the comrades of the General Assembly of Workers (AGT) held their 12th annual assembly on January 25, where our democratic organization was present with fraternal greetings. It is important that the various struggles from below unify around two axes: UNITY ON PRINCIPLES and UNITY IN ACTION. The Current of the People – Red Sun expresses its commitment to this approach and will promote the necessary actions to continue raising the demand for truth and justice for the 43 and the victims of forced disappearance; for justice for Samir Flores Soberanes and the victims of state terrorism; and for the defense of the rights of the workers and peoples of Anáhuac. It is necessary to build the United Front!