77 arrested at anti-imperialist demonstration

We hereby publish a summary of a report by Red Flag News:

At least 77 pro-Palestinian protestors were arrested in London on Saturday during a march in defense of the Palestinian people, where a large contingent was able to move through a line of police aiming to prevent them marching on the headquarters of the BBC.

The police had imposed harsh restrictions on the march. The leaders of the demonstration, including former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, decided that they would form a small ‘delegation’ to walk on further but would not push and disperse if asked.

The police allowed them, but the delegation was stopped by another stronger line of police. The police then made a sudden and targeted arrest. The police quickly ordered the dispersal of the delegation, which was enthusiastically echoed by the leadership of the delegation.

Dozens of arrests that made headlines were not due to some rebellion against the police that day, but rather police making a series of baseless arrests on people who were in areas that they likely did not know were disallowed.

This escalation of repression, coupled with the ongoing campaign of misinformation and slander targeting the Anti-Imperialist movement, marks a significant development in the situation. It is essential that we understand these developments fully and approach them with the necessary clarity and precision.

It is worth noting that BBC employees blew the whistle on pro-Israel bias within the BBC in a major joint letter and report, which showed conclusive links between Raffi Berg (the BBC’s Middle East editor) and the intelligence services of the Israeli state. This story was also the last that the New Democratic newspaper A Nova Democracia would be able to post on YouTube before receiving a permanent ban.

NGO groups such as the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Stop The War Coalition work closely with police to avoid any confrontation taking place, though many revolutionary and class-conscious contingents are also organised by other groups taking part. Marches are always policed tightly, and anyone disobeying the rules around the route or infringing on the laws around proscribed terror organisations. The stewards of these marches have continually tried to de-escalate confrontational situations.

This is all part of the incorrect idea that we should present ourselves as a wholly peaceful force and reject militancy, with our perceived “respectability” to the bourgeoisie being the more important factor in the struggle for Palestinian liberation. What is clear, is that the desire for militancy that exists amongst broad masses in support of Palestine is miles ahead of those who position themselves as “leaders” of the movement.

The role of the authentic Anti-Imperialists and Socialist Revolutionaries is to show to the people that they can and must combat and resist imperialism, and be prepared to fight back against the onslaughts that an increasingly threatened state will throw at the people. With the Proletariat at the helm, the masses are condemned to win!

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