CP-Red Sun (Mexico): Special pronouncements of the General Assembly
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of a document by Sol Rojo, Mexico:
Proletarians and oppressed peoples of the world, unite!
“When we proclaim our defence of the national interests of our people, of their independence and freedom, we do not turn into nationalists or bourgeois patriots, but do this as proletarian revolutionaries and true sons of our people.”
Georgi Dimitrov
“2025, year of the II. SolRojista Political Congress”
Let’s build the People’s Front!
The General Assembly of the Current of the People – Red Sun takes up with responsibility and firmness the proposals made by our allies, who accompanied us or sent us messages during the time of fraternal greetings. It also makes its own the demands for truth and justice raised by our delegates.
In the same vein, we pay attention to the just struggles of the people, keeping in touch with the masses, acting in accordance with their needs and desires, as Chairman Mao Tse-tung teaches us.
In this regard, this General Assembly declares:

1. Solidarity with the comrades of the Oaxacan Movement of the Democratic Left (MOID) who report having been subjected to threats by the government of the State of Oaxaca after demanding dialogue. We welcome the announcement of their upcoming mobilization.
2. Solidarity with the comrades of the Independent Union of Health Workers and Professionals (SITYPS) who continue the struggle to defend the rights of health sector workers, whether systematically terminated or fired by the federal and State governments in the midst of the simulation of the so-called INSABI and later the IMSS-Bienestar, both failed projects of the “4T” that, in addition to violating the labor rights of workers, have also undermined the right to health as a fundamental right of the people of Mexico.
3. Solidarity with the comrades of the June 14th People’s Front, who demand the immediate and unconditional release of comrade Javier Martínez, imprisoned in the Miahuatlán prison, Oaxaca.
4. Solidarity with the comrades of the National Coordination Plan de Ayala – National Movement (CNPA-MN) who denounce that six years after the murder of comrade Noé Jiménez Pablo by the hands of the Chiapas State government there is still no justice.
5. This General Assembly condemns the repression exercised against the residents of the Third Section of San Antonio de la Cal, Oaxaca, who on January 14 were violently evicted by a riot squad while they were protesting against the imposition of the “waste transfer center” or open-air dump project.

6. Solidarity with our comrades from the Municipal Community Agency of Santa Rosa Panzacola, Oaxaca, who maintain an exemplary struggle of resistance against the electoral parties of the old State and against the local elections, which threatens the habits and traditions of this community. We declare ourselves on alert against any threat or aggression that threatens our comrades, the community infrastructure and the Community Agency.
7. Solidarity with the peoples of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec region who maintain resistance against the imposition of the Inter-oceanic Corridor and its “development poles,” we particularly speak out against the hydrogen and ammonia plant that imperialism and the Mexican State intend to install in City of Ixtepec.
8. Solidarity with the agrarian community of Santa Cruz Tagolaba, which will soon hold its communal assembly, we demand that the Attorney General of the State of Oaxaca (FGEO) and the Judicial Branch of the State of Oaxaca (PJEO) capture and imprison the brothers Anastasio and Sergio Gutiérrez García (“Tacho Canasta” and “Sergio Canalla”) for being the perpetrators of violence in the community and the authors of multiple crimes against the people.
9. This General Assembly demands the immediate recognition of the Rincón Tagolaba community and its local authorities, respect for the community’s habits and traditions, and respect for its indigenous autonomy.
10. This General Assembly demands the alive presentation of Dr. Ernesto Sernas García, who disappeared on May 10, 2018 in San Agustín de las Juntas, Oaxaca. It was the State!
11. This General Assembly maintains its solidarity and demand the alive presentation of the human rights defender Sandra Estefana Domínguez Martínez, who has been missing since October 4, 2024 in María Lombardo de Caso, Oaxaca.
12. This General Assembly demands the immediate and unconditional release of our comrade Arnulfo García Santos, a displaced Triqui from San Miguel Copala and a political prisoner in the Miahuatlán prison in Oaxaca. Freedom for the Political Prisoners!
13. This General Assembly demands justice for our murdered comrades: Faustino Acevedo Bailón (06/05/2006), Alfredo Errestre Vásquez (13/10/2007), Rosalino Díaz Barrera (31/01/2008), Paulino Salud Lándiz (06/05/2009), Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino (11/104/2019), Jesús Manuel García Martínez (27/10/2022) and Félix Vicente Cruz (13/04/2023). Neither forgive nor forget, punishment for the murderers!
14. This General Assembly declares itself in favour of the Workers’ Movement “Lands for Living” and its just demand in defense of the right to decent housing for workers and their families. Let’s remove the fences and take over all the lands of the latifundium!
15. This General Assembly demands that the FGEO, the SEGO, the SEGOB and the National Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists (Mechanism) expedite investigations to identify and punish the intellectual and material authors of the attack perpetrated against our press offices on November 28. They will not silence us!
16. Our General Assembly launches a call to the anti-imperialist, patriotic, democratic and revolutionary forces of the proletariat and the peoples of Anáhuac to learn about and debate the political line of the Anti-Imperialist League (AIL). We will soon be launching an open call to those organizations that, like us, consider the construction of the Anti-Imperialist Front and the development of the national liberation struggle to be indispensable.
17. Finally, this General Assembly echoes the call of our allies who have expressed themselves in this assembly and in other spaces of the movement calling for unity. We embrace the need to form the United Front to confront and defeat the enemies of the people in an organized manner. In this sense, we propose UNITY ON PRINCIPLES and UNITY IN ACTION as central axes, emphasizing that this front cannot be economic or electoral, but rather a United Front for the political struggle against the regime.

“2025, year of the II. SolRojista Political Congress”
Let’s build the People’s Front!
Everything is illusory except power!
We are the spark that starts the prairie fire!
With the Red Sun, the people will win!
Let the workers rule the country!
January 18, 2024