CP-Red Sun: Against the CIIT: Report of solidarity actions in Mexico and the world
Due to the interest of our readers we publish an unofficial translation of the complete statement published by Current of the People – Red Sun. We have reported on this statement earlier here.
CP-Red Sun: Against the CIIT: Report of solidarity actions in Mexico and the world
March 24, 2023

On March 20, the FORO carried out an important mass mobilization in the city of Oaxaca in which approximately 3,000 people from the eight regions of the state participated. As is well known, the FORO gathers the demands for justice and the most heartfelt rights of the oppressed peoples.
Our CP-Red Sun is part of the FORO and our main agenda of struggle focuses on the alive presentation of Dr. Ernesto Sernas García; justice for the comrade Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino and Jesús Manuel García Martínez; stop the imposition of imperialist mega-projects of plundering and death such as the Interoceanic Corridor; and imprison the mercenary “Tacho Canasta” and his armed gang.
The arbitrary detention, torture and political imprisonment of comrade Salvador Pinal Meléndez, the attack that took the life of comrades Jesús Manuel García Martínez and wounded comrade Eric Sánchez Gutiérrez, the armed attacks against agrarian communities in Santa Cruz Tagolaba and Rincón Tagolaba and the plundering of communal lands leads us to reaffirm that the Interoceanic Corridor plunders and kills peasants and indigenous people!
In the demand for justice we have the support of the FORO as well as other organizations that both at the national level as on the international they give us their support. Such is the case of the UCIZONI comrades who also fight against the imposition of the CIIT and the militarization of the northern area of the Isthmus facing persecution and harassment from the navy; the Frente Popular de la Montaña de Guerrero [Popular Front of Guerrero Mountain] who on March 20, issued a statement in support of our struggle, saluting the mobilization of the FORO; Frente de Organizaciones Indígenas de la CDMx [Front of the Organizations of Indigenous People] and especially the comrades of the Movimiento de Artesanos Indígenas Zapatistas [Movement of the Zapatist Indigenous Artisans] who on the 21st of March carried out a march of independence towards the gringo embassy where they held a rally in solidarity with the campaign ”Tagolaba – Do not touch!

In the same way, internationalist actions were carried out in various countries in support of poor and indigenous peasants of the Isthmus, particularly in solidarity with the communities of Santa Cruz Tagolaba and Rincón Tagolaba, demanding that Mexican embassies and consulates imprison the mercenary “Tacho Canasta”, as well as the cancellation of the CIIT and respect for the autonomy and self-determination of the indigenous peoples affected by this and other megaprojects. The central slogan has been The Interoceanic Corridor plunders and kills poor peasants and indigenous people in Mexico!
Here we share the summary and some images of these actions and we take this space to thank all those who accompany us in this struggle from their different geographies, times and capacities, no solidarity is small when it comes to serving the people wholeheartedly!