Frente de Combate Cultural (Colombia) releases a new song

(Image source: Nueva Democracia)

We publish the lyrics and our translation of the new song of Frente de Combate Cultural (Cultural Combat Front – FCC), from Colombia. They published the song in Spanish on 8th April.

Here is the original lyrics in Spanish:

Millones sin tierra

Tierra en pocas manos

Millones con hambre

Tierra en pocas manos

Hermanos del campo tenemos que luchar

Sin tierra no hay vida, no hay felicidad

Levántate ya

La tierra es para quien en ella vive, la trabaja

Revolución Agraria

Mujer campesina trabajas más que el Sol

Los campos florecen con tu sangre y tu sudor

Los campos florecen con tu sangre y tu sudor

Humilde campesino, la tierra hay que tomar

Y acabar al latifundio con la lucha popular

Y acabar al latifundio con la lucha popular

Hermanos del campo tenemos que luchar

Sin tierra no hay vida, no hay felicidad

Levántate ya

La tierra es para quien en ella vive, la trabaja

Revolución Agraria

Revolución Agraria

Hermanos del campo tenemos que luchar

Sin tierra no hay vida, no hay felicidad

Lévantate ya

La tierra es para quien en ella vive, la trabaja

Revolución Agraria

Hermanos del campo tenemos que luchar

Sin tierra no hay vida, no hay felicidad

Lévantate ya

La tierra es para quien en ella vive, la trabaja

Revolución Agraria

Revolución Agraria

Revolución Agraria

Here is our own translation of the lyrics:

Millions without land

Land in few hands

Millions hungry

Land in few hands

Brothers from the countryside we have to fight

Without land there is no life, no happiness

Rise up now

The land is for those who live on it, who work it

Agrarian Revolution

Peasant woman you work more than the sun

The fields flourish with your blood and sweat

The fields flourish with your blood and sweat

Humble peasant, the land must be seized

And put an end to the large estates with the people’s struggle

And put an end to the large estates with the people’s struggle

Brothers of the countryside we have to fight

Without land there is no life, no happiness

Rise up now

The land is for those who live on it, who work it

Agrarian Revolution

Agrarian Revolution

Brothers from the countryside we have to fight

Without land there is no life, no happiness

Rise up now

The land is for those who live on it, who work it

Agrarian Revolution

Brothers of the countryside we have to fight

Without land there is no life, no happiness

Rise up now

The land is for those who live on it, who work it

Agrarian Revolution

Agrarian Revolution

Agrarian Revolution

We attach the song so everyone can hear it.

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