More Actions for the 75th Anniversary of Nakba
More reports have become available after we previously wrote on actions for Nakba this year.
In Hamburg, Germany, the Palestine Alliance Hamburg, held a demonstration the 20th of May. In a report the following is written about the demonstration:
“In addition to various forces of Hamburg’s anti-imperialist movement, numerous Palestinian and Arab people also participated in the demonstration. Many brought their own flags and self-made signs. Slogans in German and Arabic demanded the freedom of Palestine. In addition, speeches defended the right of nations to self-determination, condemned the recent massacres by Israel, called for support for the Palestinian struggle and appealed for solidarity with the political and revolutionary prisoners and prisoners of war – especially Ahmad Saadat and Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.”

The repression by the German state against supporters of the Palestinian liberation struggle was also highlighted, especially the banning of demonstrations in Berlin. According to reports from Israeli media the main Nakba demonstration in Berlin was canceled by the police on claims of anti-Semitism. In a later demonstration organized by Jewish Voice for Peace, twelve people was arrested. The police claimed that the slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” was banned, without stating under which law or guidelines this is based on.
In Norway Kampkomiteen (the Struggle Committtee) participated in demonstrations and rallies in commemoration of Nakba in the cities of Trondheim, Kristiansand, Bergen and Oslo. Among the slogans used in the different events were: “Long live Palestine!”, “Free Palestine!”, “Boycott Israel – Free Palestine!”

While the Palestinian people commemorates Nakba, Israel celebrate the same historic event as “flag day.” According to reports from media tens of thousands participated in an Israeli nationalists march in the occupied East Jerusalem on Thursday 18th of May. The march, which takes place yearly, have previously years included slogans like “Death to Arabs”. The march was protected by more that 2.000 police officers. The same day there were there protests in Gaza against this march. The protesting Palestinians were met by live fire and tear gas from the Israeli forces.