Protests in Placilla after the floods
Featured image: highway J-60 blocked
We publish an unofficial translation of the article of Prensa Chiripilko found here.
Placilla is an mainly rural area of the community of Licantén and part of the Mataquito Valley, a historical peasant area.
On Wednesday there was an important road block on highway J-60. The pictures are part of a series of photos and videos that are on social media, where the masses themselves denounce the “evident abandonment by State authorities”
Tired of being forgotten, neighbors, inhabitants, people affected by floods, volunteers, poor peasant, press and others denounced that in the rural areas of Licantén, as well as Placilla itself, are still without drinkable water supply. Also they added that the promised aid has note arrived or it has arrivedslowly, even the aid promised during the first floods in June.
The protests have carried out with the aim of calling the attention of the authorities and the attention of the people in our province so that peasant areas are not abandoned and suffering as they do nowadays. The masses mentioned that several livestock, land and cultivations, fences, houses and machinery were partially or completely affected and destroyed as a result of the weather. So an urgent call is done to strength the works to protect the cultivations, the water infrastructure as well as other infraestructure.
The demonstration was done after negotiating with the mayor of Licantén, who promised to “mediate” between the demonstrators and the authorities of the central government who has already contacted and promised taking care of the demands.
This is not an isolated case, but a part of a series of struggle that are developing as a result of the indifference of the old State towards the suffering of the people and that has developed into previous road cuts in Villa Prat-La Huerta and in the area near Curicó.
The call that different members of the masses has done it is so that mainly the poorest peasant, small and medium producers are helped and also to not leave aside seasonal workers that abound in the damaged areas and that because the big existence of “informal” work they do no receive any bonus or aid by the State.
In front of the abandonment of the State: It is right to rebel!
Only the people help the people!